terça-feira, novembro 28, 2006
62. Cross, James Patterson
The latest powerful thriller about the FBI agent Alex Cross. Alex has quit his job with the FBI but can't seem to stay away. When a series of brutal rapes are committed across Washington and none of the victims will talk, Sampson calls on Alex for help. Alex uses all his skills as a psychologist to persuade one of the women to tell how the attacker scared her into silence. Cross's hunt for the rapist leads him to 'the Irishman' Michael Sullivan, the deadly hitman from his past, who's returned to Washington planning to kill the new mob Don, John Maggione. How many people will meet a gruesome end while the Irishman evades the FBI, the mob hit team and Alex - still haunted by the loss of his first wife and the unsolved mystery of who killed her?
segunda-feira, novembro 27, 2006
61. A Filha da Minha Melhor Amiga, Dorothy Koomson

349 páginas
A forte relação de amizade entre Kamryn Matika e Adele Brannon, companheiras desde os tempos de faculdade, é destruída num instante de traição que marcará as suas vidas para sempre.Anos depois desse incidente, Kamryn é uma mulher com uma carreira de sucesso, que vive sem ligaçőes pessoais complexas, protegendo-se de todas as desilusőes. Mas eis que, no dia do seu aniversário, Adele a contacta... A amiga de Kamryn está a morrer e implora-lhe que adopte a sua filha, Tegan, fruto da sua ilícita relaçăo de uma noite com Nate.
Terá ela outra escolha? Será o perdão possível? O que estará Kamryn disposta a fazer pela amiga que lhe partiu o coração?
Uma viagem dolorosa e comovente de auto-conhecimento, uma leitura de cortar a respiração.
segunda-feira, novembro 20, 2006
60. Strange Bedpersons, Jennifer Crusie
Tess Newhart knows her ex-boyfriend Nick Jamieson isn't the right guy for her. He's caviar and champagne, she's take-out Chinese pot stickers. He's an uptight Republican lawyer, she was raised in a commune and thinks Cinderella is politically incorrect. He wants to get ahead in business, she just wants . . . him -- only not the social-climbing Nick, but the sweet, caring, unbuttoned-down Nick. And Nick wants her, too, but there's no way Tess is about to play second fiddle to his obsession to make partner. Yet somehow she finds herself agreeing to play his fiancée for a weekend business trip that could make or break Nick's career. And while he's wrapped up in convincing Tess that he needs her in his respectable world, Tess is doing her best to keep her left-wing opinions to herself and her hands off Nick.
quinta-feira, novembro 16, 2006
59. Perfect Day, Imogen Parker

On a perfect spring morning, Alexander catches an early train into London, but he never reaches work. Instead, he never reaches work. Instead, he spends the day with Kate, a waitress he has met the previous evening, a woman so unlike anyone he has ever known, she makes the world shimmer with possibility.
Such a perfect day, Nell takes her child Lucy to the seaside, hoping that the sea air will blow away the doubts she has about her life.
As Nell ponders why falling in love is so different from loving someone, Alexander allows himself to imagine leaving his old life behind and starting afresh. And by a strange turn of fate, there's an opportunity to do just that - if he chooses to take it...
quinta-feira, novembro 09, 2006
58. The Cat Who Turned On and Off
Reporter Jim Qwilleran teams up with the brilliant Siamese cat, Koko, and the adorable female Siamese, Yum Yum, to investigate Junktown, a haven for antique dealers and collectors, not the dope den Qwilleran anticipated.
segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2006
57. Um Muro de Silêncio, Karin Slaughter
Sara Linton, pediatra e médica legista em Heartsdale, na Geórgia, conhece demasiado bem os horrores que se podem esconder por detrás das portas fechadas de uma pequena comunidade. Mas quando, certa noite de sábado, uma discussão entre adolescentes, no ringue de patinagem local, leva a uma morte – e a subsequente autópsia revela provas de auto-mutilação ritualista e abuso prolongado – Sara percebe que o verdadeiro mal está mais próximo do que imaginara. Juntando-se ao ex-marido, o chefe da polícia Jeffrey Tolliver, e à detective Lena Adams (ainda traumatizada pelo encontro com um maníaco) numa investigação que a cada passo se revela mais frustrante, face ao silêncio frio das famílias e dos jovens que rodeavam a rapariga assassinada, Sara começa, então, a levantar as várias camadas de uma crueldade desumana que ultrapassa o mero homicídio.Porque uma nuvem ameaçadora se abateu sobre os jovens de Heartsdale, aqueles que os deveriam proteger têm de agir rapidamente antes que toda a inocência seja destruída.
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