sábado, setembro 22, 2012

46. As Horas Distantes, Kate Morton

528 Páginas

Tudo começa quando uma carta, perdida há mais de meio século, chega finalmente ao seu destino... Evacuada de Londres, no início da II Guerra Mundial, a jovem Meredith Burchill é acolhida pela família Blythe no majestoso Castelo de Milderhurst. Aí, descobre o prazer dos livros e da fantasia, mas também os seus perigos. Cinquenta anos depois, Edie procura decifrar os enigmas que envolvem a juventude da sua mãe e a sua relação com as excêntricas irmãs Blythe, que permaneceram no castelo desde então. Há muito isoladas do mundo, elas sofrem as consequências de terríveis acontecimentos que modificaram os seus destinos para sempre. No interior do decadente castelo, Edie começa a deslindar o passado de Meredith. Mas há outros segredos escondidos nas paredes do edifício. A verdade do que realmente aconteceu nas horas distantes do Castelo de Milderhurst irá por fim ser revelada...

sexta-feira, setembro 14, 2012

45. The Silent Girl, Tess Gerritsen

319 Páginas

In the murky shadows of an alley in Boston's Chinatown a hand has been discovered. On the rooftop above lies a woman's body, her head nearly severed. Two strands of silver hair - not human - cling to the body. These are Detective Jane Rizzoli's only clues, but they are enough for her and Dr Maura Isles to make a startling discovery: that this violent death had a chilling prequel. Nineteen years early a horrifying attack in a Boston restaurant left five people dead. Only one woman connected to the massacre is now still alive - a mysterious martial arts master who knows a secret she dare not tell. A secret that lives and breathes in the shadows of the city. A secret that may not even be human. It soon becomes clear than an ancient evil is stirring in Chinatown: an evil that has killed before, and will kill again - unless Jane and Maura can track it down, and defeat it.

quarta-feira, setembro 12, 2012

44. The Bat, Jo Nesbo

384 Páginas

Before Harry took on the neo-Nazi gangs of Oslo, before he met Rakel, before The Snowman tried to take everything he held dear, he went to Australia. Harry Hole is sent to Sydney to investigate the murder of Inger Holter, a young Norwegian girl, who was working in a bar. Initially sidelined as an outsider, Harry becomes central to the Australian police investigation when they start to notice a number of unsolved rape and murder cases around the country. The victims were usually young blondes. Inger had a number of admirers, each with his own share of secrets, but there is no obvious suspect, and the pattern of the other crimes seems impossible to crack. Then a circus performer is brutally murdered followed by yet another young woman. Harry is in a race against time to stop highly intelligent killer, who is bent on total destruction.

sábado, setembro 08, 2012

43. The Forgotten Garden, Kate Morton

648 Páginas

Cassandra is lost, alone and grieving. Her much loved grandmother, Nell, has just died and Cassandra, her life already shaken by a tragic accident ten years ago, feels like she has lost everything dear to her. But an unexpected and mysterious bequest from Nell turns Cassandra's life upside down and ends up challenging everything she thought she knew about herself and her family. 
Inheriting a book of dark and intriguing fairytales written by Eliza Makepeace - the Victorian authoress who disappeared mysteriously in the early twentieth century - Cassandra takes her courage in both hands to follow in the footsteps of Nell on a quest to find out the truth about their history, their family and their past; little knowing that in the process, she will also discover a new life for herself.

quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2012

42. O Executor, Lars Kepler

524 Páginas 

Uma mulher aparece misteriosamente morta numa embarcação de recreio ao largo do arquipélago de Estocolmo. O seu corpo está seco, mas a autópsia revela que os pulmões estão cheios de água. No dia seguinte, Carl Palmcrona, director-geral de Armamento e Infraestruturas de Defesa da Suécia, é encontrado enforcado em casa. O corpo parece flutuar ao som de uma enigmática música de violino que ecoa por todo o apartamento. Chamado ao local, o comissário da polícia Joona Lina sabe que na sua profissão não se pode deixar enganar pelas aparências e que um presumível suicídio não é razão suficiente para fechar o caso. Haverá possibilidade de estes dois casos estarem relacionados? O que poderia unir duas pessoas que aparentemente não se conheciam? Longe de imaginar o que está por detrás destas mortes, Joona Lina mergulhará numa investigação que o conduzirá, através de uma vertiginosa sucessão de acontecimentos, a uma descoberta diabólica. Existem pactos que nem mesmo a morte pode quebrar..

terça-feira, setembro 04, 2012

41. The Sisterhood, Emily Barr

439 Páginas

We all have a dark side… Elizabeth Greene is devastated when her boyfriend of ten years leaves her for someone else. After a night of drowning her sorrows leads to an unexpected one-night stand, Elizabeth finds herself pregnant, alone and vulnerable. Helen has just discovered she has a sister she didn’t know she had. Bored with her privileged life in France and driven by a need to gain her parents’ approval, Helen sets out to find her sister and reunite her with her long-lost mother. When her search leads her to Elizabeth the two women become closely linked. But their connection to one another is founded on a dark deception, with the truth having extreme consequences…