domingo, abril 26, 2009

15. Se me pudesses ver agora, Cecelia Ahern

292 páginas

Elizabeth tem trinta e quatro anos e vive numa casa que ela adora e paga com o dinheiro que ganha no seu bem-sucedido negócio de designer de interiores. A vida não lhe foi fácil. Desde que a mãe os abandonara, Elizabeth acabou de se criar a si própria, enquanto criava também a irmã, Saoirse, e cuidava do pai. Aos dezasseis anos Saoirse engravidara por pura distracção. E agora Elizabeth tem o pequeno Luke para criar, uma criança que ela teme que também venha a ser problemática, uma vez que tem um amigo imaginário. Mesmo assim Elizabeth controla tudo na perfeição. Mas agora que Ivan apareceu na sua vida, vai mudá-la de formas que ela nunca podia ter imaginado... Um conto de fadas moderno, uma história cheia de romantismo, emoção, sonho e fantasia.

quarta-feira, abril 22, 2009

14. Run for Your Life, James Patterson

373 páginas

Detective Michael Bennett is back and the race is on to catch a deadly killer terrorising New York. The Teacher has a meticulous and calculated plan. Cold-hearted and cunning, no one knows who he is or where he came from. Until now. Now it is time for everyone to learn his name as he teaches New York a lesson it will never forget. Intent on exacting revenge and causing mass hysteria, he embarks on the worst killing spree the city has ever seen. The whole New York Police Department is tested to its limits, none more so than Detective Michael Bennett. As the Teacher leads him on a terrifying chase, Bennett follows in his tracks but just as he seems to be on the brink of a breakthrough, he is pulled deeper and deeper into an unfolding terror. The killer has one more victim in his sights and it brings Bennett's investigation frighteningly close to home. With only one man standing in his way, how far will the Teacher go to complete what he set out to do? And at what price?

quinta-feira, abril 16, 2009

13. What to do When Someone Dies, Nicci French

344 páginas

‘This is not my world. Something is wrong, askew. It is a Monday evening in October. I am Ellie Falkner, 34 years old and married to Greg Manning. Although two police officers have just come to my door and told me he is dead... ’ It's devastating to hear that your husband has died in a horrific car accident. But to learn that he died with a mystery woman as his passenger is torment. Was Greg having an affair? Drowning in grief, Ellie clings to Greg's innocence, and her determination to prove it to the world at large means she must find out who Milena Livingstone was and what she was doing in Greg's car. But in the process those around her begin to question her sanity ... and her motive. And the louder she shouts that Greg might have been murdered, the more suspicion falls on Ellie herself. Sometimes it's safer to keep silent when someone dies...

domingo, abril 05, 2009

12. Where Are You Now?, Mary Higgins Clark

289 páginas

It has been ten years since 21-year-old Kevin MacKenzie, Jr. ('Mack') went missing. A Columbia University senior, about to graduate and already enrolled in Duke University Law School, he walked out of his room and has never been seen again. However, he does ritually call to his mother every year: on her birthday, on his birthday, and on Mother's Day. Each time, he assures her he is fine, refuses to answer her frantic questions, then hangs up. Even the death of his father, a corporate lawyer, on 9/11 does not bring him home, or break the pattern of his calls. Mack's sister, Carolyn, is now 26, realises that neither she nor her mother will ever be able to have closure and get on with their lives until they find her brother. She sets out to discover what happened to Mack, and why he has found it necessary to hide from them. Her journey into the world of people who willingly disappear from their own lives leads her to learn about others who may or may not still be alive, and ultimately to a deadly confrontation with someone close to her who suddenly becomes an enemy - and cannot allow her to disclose his secret...