quinta-feira, julho 31, 2014

30. A Casa Negra, Peter May

447 Páginas

A Ilha de Lewis é o local mais desolador e austeramente belo de toda a Escócia. A rigidez da rotina diária apenas é mitigada pelo temor a Deus. Quando um assassinato sangrento cometido na ilha revela marcas semelhantes a um caso de Edimburgo, o detetive da polícia Fin Macleod é enviado para norte, para o investigar. Todos os anos, doze homens da ilha, alguns dos quais amigos de infância de Fin, partem para um remoto e traiçoeiro rochedo chamado An Sgeir, numa perigosa epopeia para caçarem as crias de uma ave marinha local. Este é, acima de tudo, um ritual de passagem que é ferozmente defendido contra todos os pressupostos da moralidade moderna. Mas, para Fin, a caça encerra memórias dolorosas, que podem, mesmo tanto tempo depois, exigir um enorme sacrifício.

domingo, julho 20, 2014

29. A Dark and Twisted Tide, S.J.Bolton

448 Páginas

Young policewoman Lacey Flint knows that the Thames is a dangerous place – after all, she lives on it and works on it – but she’s always been lucky. Until one day, when she finds a body floating in the water. Who was this woman and why was she wrapped so carefully in white burial cloths before being hidden in the fast-flowing depths?
DCI Dana Tulloch hates to admit it, but she’s fond of the mysterious Lacey. Even if she keeps on interfering in her investigations, and is meddling with the latest floater case. But now she's got to break some terrible news to her - news that could destroy Lacey's fragile state of mind. 
And Lacey will need to keep her wits about her because there's a killer that's lurking around her boat, leaving her gifts she'd rather not receive...

segunda-feira, julho 14, 2014

28. The One Plus One, Jojo Moyes

516 Páginas

One single mum 
With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does her best day after day. But it's hard on your own. And sometimes you take risks you shouldn't. Because you have to... 
One chaotic family 
Jess's gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but without a helping hand she'll never get the chance to shine. And Nicky, Jess's teenage stepson, can't fight the bullies alone. Sometimes Jess feels like they're sinking...
One handsome stranger 
Into their lives comes Ed Nicholls, a man whose life is in chaos, and who is running from a deeply uncertain future. But he has time on his hands. He knows what it's like to be lonely. And he wants to help...
One unexpected love story

domingo, julho 06, 2014

27. Cross My Heart, James Patterson

419 Páginas

Alex Cross's whole world is crashing down around him. He has been hunted, stalked like prey, his predator priming himself for the kill. Cross has devoted his life to protecting others. Now he's unable to protect even those closest to him. As a police detective, he has made many enemies, but never like this. Everything he loves is being taken from him. Soon he will have nothing and no one left.