sábado, dezembro 29, 2007

67. O Aprendiz, Tess Gerritsen

287 páginas

...ele está de volta. Warren Hoyt está de volta! Mas como é possível que continue a matar se vive atrás das grades?
O escaldante Verão de Bóston a todos perturba. Quando uma série de crimes são cometidos deixando uma assinatura de tortura e morte, Jane Rizzoli começa a desconfiar que algo liga os presentes assassínios à forma de actuação de um outro serial killer, o cirurgião. O assassino rapta e tortura mulheres obrigando os maridos a assistir à sua morte. É preciso, frio, sádico. Tal como Warren Hoyt foi enquanto se escondia na sua capa de normalidade. Alguém o imita, então. Um perigoso aprendiz do mal...
Natural de San Diego, na Califórnia, Tess Gerritsen é médica de formação tendo editado o seu primeiro thriller nos anos 90. Exímia na descrição do crime e das mais modernas tecnologias de investigação - a lembrar a série televisiva C.S.I. -, a autora cria uma fabulosa intriga de arrepiantes contornos. Numa sequela de «O Cirurgião», a destemida e emotiva Jane Rizzoli volta a enfrentar o diabólico assassino e o seu discípulo. Desta feita conta com a ajuda de Gabriel Dean, o agente do FBI que começa por a irritar, mas por quem acaba por se apaixonar...

domingo, dezembro 23, 2007

66. Manhunting, Jennifer Crusie

250 páginas

After three failed engagements, successful businesswoman Kate Svenson comes up with a definitive plan for finding the man of her dreams by snaring an eligible bachelor at The Cabins resort, but as her would-be swains begin to drop around her, Jake Templeton decides to save the world of men from this dangerous femme fatale.

quinta-feira, dezembro 20, 2007

65. Terapia de Choque, Sebastien Fitzek

275 páginas

Josy, a filha de doze anos do famoso psiquiatra Viktor Larenz, desaparece em circunstâncias que permanecem um mistério e o seu destino é uma incógnita… Victor vê o seu mundo a desabar e refugia-se na casa de férias, na remota ilha de Parkum, no mar do Norte.
Quatro anos mais tarde, Anna, uma bela desconhecida, autora de livros para crianças, procura-o em auxílio. É uma mulher atormentada por alucinações e pesadelos, nos quais surge continuamente uma menina que desapareceu sem deixar rasto, tal como Josy...
Viktor começa a fazer terapia a Anna, que se vai transformando em dramáticas sessões de perguntas e respostas, onde a sua nova paciente vai revelando pormenores do desaparecimento de Josy que supostamente não devia saber...
Desenvolvimentos surpreendentes, de capítulo em capítulo, fazem de A Terapia de Choque um thriller psicológico intenso, de cortar a respiração e impossível de largar até que se conheça o desenlace final.

domingo, dezembro 16, 2007

64. Island, Richard Laymon

504 páginas

Eight people take a yachting cruise in the Bahamas. They plan to swim, sunbathe and relax - then the boat blows up. Though they're stranded on a deserted island things could be worse: their beach camp location has fresh water and fire wood, and there's enough food salvaged from the wreck to last them out.
Just one problem remains, as they wait to be rescued - they are not alone. In the jungle behind the beach there's a maniac on the loose with murder in his heart. And he's plotting to kill them all, one be one...

sexta-feira, dezembro 07, 2007

63. Back Spin, Harlan Coben

368 páginas

The boy was born and raised on the Main Line. But he vanished on Philadelphia's mean streets - last seen in a down-town cheater's hotel. For sports agent Myron Bolitar, his client, superstar Linda Coldren, comes first, and that means unravelling the mystery of her son's kidnapping. But when Myron goes after the missing boy, he crashes through a crowd of low-lifes, blue bloods and liars on both sides of the social divide. And when family skeletons start coming out of the closet, Myron is about to find out how deadly life can get...

segunda-feira, dezembro 03, 2007

62. The Cat Who Played Brahms, Lilian Jackson Braun

215 páginas

Is it just a case of summertime blues or a full-blown career crisis? Newspaper reporter Jim Qwilleran isn't sure, but he's hoping a few days in the country will help him sort out his life. With cats Koko and Yum Yum for company, Qwilleran heads for a cabin owned by a longtime family friend, ""Aunt Fanny."" But from the moment he arrives, things turn strange. Eerie footsteps cross the roof at midnight, Local townsfolk become oddly secretive. And then, while fishing, Qwilleran hooks on to a murder mystery. Soon Qwilleran enters into a game of cat and mouse with the killer, while Koko develops a sudden and uncanny fondness for classical music...

quarta-feira, novembro 28, 2007

61. Double Cross, James Patterson

308 páginas

From the man the Sunday Telegraph called the 'master of the suspense genre' comes the next high-velocity thriller in the Alex Cross series - James Patterson and Alex Cross fans cannot wait to read DOUBLE CROSS. Alex Cross rejoins the DC police force to confront two of the most diabolical killers he's ever encountered. Just when Alex's life is calming down, he is drawn back into the game to confront a criminal mastermind like no other. The elaborate murders that have stunned Washington, DC, are the wildest that Alexand his new girlfriend, Detective Brianna Stone, have ever seen. This maniac adores an audience, and stages his killings as spectacles in public settings. Alex is pursuing a genius of terror who has the whole city on edge as it waits for his next move. And the killer loves the attention, no doubt -- he even sets up his own website and live video feed to trumpet his madness.And in Colorado, another criminal mastermind is planning a triumphant return. From his supermaximum-security prison cell, Kyle Craig has plotted for years to have one chance at an impossible escape.If he has to join forces with DC's Audience Killer to get back at the man who put him in that cell -- Alex.

segunda-feira, novembro 26, 2007

60. O Anjo mais Estúpido, Christopher Moore

270 páginas

'Twas the night (okay, more like the week) before Christmas, and all through the tiny community of Pine Cove, California, people are busy buying, wrapping, packing, and generally getting into the holiday spirit.But not everybody is feeling the joy. Little Joshua Barker is in desperate need of a holiday miracle. No, he's not on his deathbed; no, his dog hasn't run away from home. But Josh is sure that he saw Santa take a shovel to the head, and now the seven-year-old has only one prayer: Please, Santa, come back from the dead.But hold on! There's an angel waiting in the wings. (Wings, get it?) It's none other than the Archangel Raziel come to Earth seeking a small child with a wish that needs granting. Unfortunately, our angel's not sporting the brightest halo in the bunch, and before you can say "Kris Kringle," he's botched his sacred mission and sent the residents of Pine Cove headlong into Christmas chaos, culminating in the most hilarious and horrifying holiday party the town has ever seen.

quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2007

59. Harry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte, J.K.Rowling

603 páginas

É neste sétimo volume que Harry Potter irá travar a mais negra e perigosa batalha da sua vida. Dumbledore reservou-lhe uma missão quase impossível – encontrar e destruir os Horcruxes de Voldemort… Nunca, em toda a sua longa série de aventuras, o jovem feiticeiro mais famoso do mundo se sentiu tão só e perante um futuro tão sombrio. Chegou o momento do confronto final – Harry Potter e Lord Voldemort… nenhum pode viver enquanto o outro sobreviver… um dos dois está prestes a acabar para sempre… Os seus destinos estão misteriosamente entrelaçados, mas apenas um sobreviverá... Numa atmosfera apoteótica e vibrante, Rowling desvenda-nos, por fim, os segredos mais bem guardados do universo fantástico de Harry Potter e deixa-nos envoltos, talvez para sempre, na sua poderosa magia. Este sétimo volume tem sido considerado pelo público e pela crítica como o melhor de toda a série Harry Potter.

sábado, novembro 17, 2007

58. Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About, Mil Millington

338 páginas

Pel Dalton's life is uneventful. He spends his days bluffing through an IT job in the university library, pillow-fighting with his two sons and finding new things to argue about with Ursula, his German girlfriend. But all this is about to change. When his boss suddenly disappears, and Pel steps reluctantly into his shoes, his life begins to spiral out of control. Stolen money, missing colleagues, ominous calls from Hong Kong, and something nasty beneath the university foundations are only the beginning of Pel's problems. Faced with embarrassing PTA meetings and a fridge that really needs defrosting, Pel is about to learn that sometimes the things that drive you crazy can be the only things that keep you sane.

quarta-feira, novembro 07, 2007

57. A Dália Azul, Nora Roberts

291 páginas

Da autora de maior destaque da lista de best-sellers do New York Times, chega-nos o primeiro romance da nova trilogia NO JARDIM. No cenário de uma casa mergulhada em história e de um próspero negócio de jardinagem, três mulheres desenterram as memórias do passado e descobrem um avassalador segredo. Tentando fugir do passado, a jovem viúva Stella WB Rothchild, com os seus dois rapazinhos, regressa às raízes e a uma nova vida na Harper House. Aí encontra um emprego estimulante no centro de jardinagem No Jardim e sente um forte fascínio pelo paisagista Logan Kitridge. Mas alguém não está feliz com este romance incipiente... a Noiva Harper, que está disposta a fazer qualquer coisa para o destruir.

quinta-feira, novembro 01, 2007

56. The Good Guy, Dean Koontz

386 páginas

After a day's work hefting brick and stone, Tim Carrier slakes his thirst at The Lamplighter Tavern. Nothing heavy happens there. It's a friendly workingman's bar run by his good friend Rooney, who enjoys gathering eccentric customers. Working his deadpan humour on strangers is, for Tim, all part of the entertainment. But how could Tim have imagined that the stranger who sits down next to him one evening is about to unmake his world and enmesh him in a web of murder and deceit? The man has come there to meet someone and he thinks it's Tim. Tim's wayward sense of humour lets the misconception stand for a moment and that's all it takes: the stranger hands Tim a fat manila envelope, saying, 'Half of it's there; the rest when she's gone,' and then he's out the door. In the envelope Tim finds the photograph of a woman, her name and address written on the back; and several thick packets of hundred-dollar bills. When an intense-looking man sits down where the first stranger sat and glances at the manila envelope, Tim knows he's the one who was supposed to get it. Shaken, thinking fast, Tim says he's had a change of heart. He removes the picture of the woman and then hands the envelope to the stranger. 'Half what we agreed,' he says. 'For doing nothing. Call it a no-kill fee.' Tim is left holding a photo of a pretty woman, but his sense of fun has led him into a very dangerous world from which there is no way back. The company of strangers has cost him his peace of mind, and possibly his life.

sexta-feira, outubro 26, 2007

55. A Question of Love, Isabel Wolff

340 páginas

The sparkling new romantic comedy from the bestselling author of "Behaving Badly" and "Rescuing Rose". Sometimes the hardest questions to answer are the ones you ask yourself! When Laura Quick finds herself accidentally hosting a quirky quiz show on national TV, nothing prepares her for one of the contestants - her ex-boyfriend, Luke. She's still coming to terms with the loss of her husband Nick, having just packed up his clothes - and hopefully her memories of him - for good. So what does the still-delicious Luke's arrival, complete with six-year-old daughter and badly behaved ex-wife, mean? Her sisters think he's just the ticket: the perfect man for her to move on with and to forget Nick. But Laura finds more questions than answers as she tries to work out whether to risk everything on Luke for a second time, what went so wrong with Nick, and how much she really knows about her nearest and dearest!

domingo, outubro 21, 2007

54. The Lilac Bus, Maeve Binchy

200 páginas

Each Friday, Tom Fitzgerald drives the same people home from Dublin to spend the weekend in Rathdoon. Nancy, Dee, Kev and Celia ? each has their own secret story, unknown to their fellow passengers. And of course Tom himself has his own reasons for returning home so regularly? Once again, Maeve Binchy has conjured up a cast of very human characters with real joys and real sadnesses, portrayed with her trademark wit, compassion and warmth.

quinta-feira, outubro 18, 2007

53. A Quinta Mulher, Henning Mankell

515 páginas

Na noite de 21 de Setembro de 1994, um velhote simpático, poeta amador e observador de pássaros, é apanhado numa terrível armadilha. Kurt Wallander, o inspector de polícia local, encontra-o, mais tarde, morto, perfurado por afiadas estacas de bambu. Pouco tempo depois, é encontrado num bosque o corpo de um florista aficionado pelo cultivo de orquídeas. Haverá alguma ligação entre dois homens, aparentemente inocentes e com hobbies tão respeitáveis? Quem os poderia odiar ao ponto de os torturar sadicamente até à morte? Wallander e a sua equipa depressa se apercebem de que têm de enfrentar um assassino escrupulosamente bem preparado e com uma inteligência temível, que deixa transparecer um sanguinário desejo de vingança. E quando a polícia crê estar na pista certa, eis que ocorre um novo assassinato. Este romance aborda a violência e a crueldade de um mundo que muda demasiado depressa, em que o sistema judicial parece já não ser suficientemente eficiente para deter os criminosos. É uma história que se caracteriza pela sordidez e que leva o leitor a sentir-se totalmente embrenhado na investigação. Ao longo da narrativa, vamo-nos deparando com uma inesperada moralidade capaz de entender as motivações do assassino. Henning Mankell revela, através de uma narrativa tão gélida quanto obscura, porque é considerado um dos mais talentosos autores de romances policiais, um verdadeiro autor de culto. «A Quinta Mulher» é um dos mais aclamados romances de Mankell, autor do já publicado, nesta colecção, «Assassino Sem Rosto». Traduzido para mais de 25 línguas, já é considerado um bestseller mundial, tendo recebido em 1999, na Alemanha, o 'German Crime Prize' e o 'Book of The Year Award', e permaneceu no top livros alemão, encabeçando a lista, durante 40 semanas consecutivas.

domingo, outubro 07, 2007

52. Grave Secrets, Kathy Reichs

420 páginas

Dr. Temperance Brennan, forensic anthropologist for the medical examiners in Montreal and North Carolina, departs from home turf to journey to Guatemala, where her skills will be tested to the limit. It was a summer morning in 1982 when soldiers entered the village of Chupan Ya and rounded up the women and children. No records were kept. Families and neighbours refer to their lost members as "the disappeared". The bodies are said to lie in a mass grave. Tempe digs in the cold, damp pit. The soil begins to yield ash and cinders. Her trowel uncovers the bone of a child no more than 2 yrs years old. Something savage happened in this village twenty years ago. And something savage is happening today. Four girls missing from Guatemala City, including the daughter of a high ranking government official. When a young archaeologist is brutally murdered, Tempe realizes that she may be the next victim in a web of intrigue that connects the historical and contemporary murders.

sexta-feira, setembro 28, 2007

51. This Book Will Save Your Life, A.M.Homes

372 páginas

Since her debut in 1989, A. M. Homes has been among the boldest and most original voices of her generation, acclaimed for the psychological accuracy and unnerving emotional intensity of her storytelling. Her keen ability to explore how extraordinary the ordinary can be is at the heart of her touching and funny new novel, her first in six years.

Richard Novak is a modern-day Everyman, a middle-aged divorcé trading stocks out of his home. He has done such a good job getting his life under control that he needs no one--except his trainer, nutritionist, and housekeeper. He is functionally dead and doesn't even notice until two incidents--an attack of intense pain that lands him in the emergency room, and the discovery of an expanding sinkhole outside his house--conspire to hurl him back into the world. On his way home from the hospital, Richard forms the first of many new relationships: He meets Anhil, the doughnut shop owner, an immigrant who dreams big. He finds a weeping housewife in the produce section of the supermarket, helps save a horse that has fallen into the sinkhole, daringly rescues a woman from the trunk of her kidnapper's car, and, after the sinkhole claims his house and he has to relocate to a Malibu rental, he befriends a reluctant counterculture icon. In the end, Richard is also brought back in closer touch with his family--his aging parents, his brilliant brother, the beloved ex-wife whom he still desires, and finally, before the story's breathtaking finale, with his estranged son Ben.

The promised land of Los Angeles--a surreal city of earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides, and feral Chihuahuas--is also very much a character in This Book Will Save Your Life. A vivid, revealing novel about compassion, transformation, and what can happen if you are willing to lose yourself and open up to the world around you, it should significantly broaden Homes's already substantial audience.

domingo, setembro 16, 2007

50. Judge & Jury, James Patterson

341 páginas

And still they come, the James Patterson novels written in tandem with Andrew Gross--the latter a writer we’ve only heard of because... he writes novels in tandem with James Patterson. But as Judge and Jury proves, this is a team that breaks all the rules of these double novels (in which a top writer’s synopsis is worked up by another writer lower down the feeding chain). The Patterson/Gross books are often as compulsive reads as Patterson's solo efforts, and while the tagline of this one ('the ultimate legal thriller') may be optimistic, it's still a pretty pacy piece of work, with a strong central premise. Struggling actress Andie DeGrasse is finding her acting career in low gear as she copes with the demands of being a single mother. When she finds herself on jury duty, she hopes that she can shuck her responsibilities by telling the judge that she's played a stripper in The Sopranos. But she still finds herself as juror number 11 in a highly important trial involving a mob boss with a really nasty reputation. Bringing Mafia Don Dominic Cavello to trial has been the crowning achievement of senior FBI agent Nick Pellisante, who has been on Cavello's tale for years. The Don, known as ‘The Electrician’, is famous for his many grisly crimes, but this time it looks like he's about to go down for good. But as the jury moves towards a verdict, the Don does something that throws everything into chaos--including the life of actress and reluctant juror Andie. A bitter battle ensues, in which Andie and Nick Pellisante are obliged to form a partnership that will either save both their lives--or end them.

What makes this one particularly diverting is the canny juggling of a variety of elements, all of which are granted equal emphasis by Patterson and Gross. As always with the team, no effort is wasted on elegant writing--this is rigorously functional stuff, designed with one purpose: to keep us reading. And that task the authors pull off with very little effort.

quinta-feira, setembro 13, 2007

49. Segredos de Família, Kim Edwards

411 páginas

Numa noite de Inverno de 1964, quando uma tempestade de neve obriga o Dr. David Henry a fazer o parto dos seus filhos gémeos. O filho, o primogénito, é perfeitamente saudável, mas David apercebe-se de imediato de que a filha é portadora de síndrome de Down. Convencido de que está a fazer o que está correcto, David toma uma decisão precipitada que irá ensombrar as suas vidas para sempre. Pede a Caroline, a enfermeira, que leve a bebé para uma instituição, mas ela acaba por fugir para outra cidade,onde irá criar a bebé como sua própria filha. Segredos de Família foi seleccionado para o Barnes and Noble Discovery Award e ganhou o Kentucky Literary Award for Fiction em 2005. Foi o número 1 no New York Times Best Seller e vai ser publicado em Itália, no Japão, Brasil, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suécia, França, Espanha, Polónia, China, Taiwan, Israel, Turquia e Reino Unido.

domingo, setembro 09, 2007

48. The Clinic, Jonathan Kellerman

465 páginas

She was found stabbed to death on a quiet, shaded street in one of Los Angeles' safest neighbourhoods. For three months the police have found no clues to the murder of Hope Devane, psychology professor and controversial author of a pop-psych bestseller, and angry indictment of men. Now homicide detective Milo Sturgis, newly assigned to the case, turns to his friend, psychologist Dr Alex Delaware, looking for insights into Devane's life. To both men the cold stalking of Hope Devane suggests calculation fuelled by hate - an execution. They discover why as they unlock, one by one, the very private compartments of her life: her marriage, her shadowy work for a Beverly Hills clinic, the Conduct Committee she ran with an iron hand at the University, and her baffling link to another murder victim. But it is when Alex delves into her childhood that he begins to understand the formidable woman she was - and the ties that entangled her life until the horrifying act of betrayal that ended it.

quinta-feira, setembro 06, 2007

47. Just Between Us, Cathy Kelly

634 páginas

From the bestselling author of SOMEONE LIKE YOU and WHAT SHE WANTS an uplifiting novel about how three very different women cope with the complexities of their lives -- relationships, careers, and families -- to find fulfilment. Full of Cathy Kelly's trademark warmth, romance, optimism and wit. In the Irish country town of Kinvara, the fabulous MIller girls are generally reckoned to have it all... There's Stella with the looks of a Renaissance Madonna and a brilliant lawyer's mind. A single mum who has combined work and raising her daughter with aplomb, the only thing missing from her life is the right mam. Now, at last, she's going to get a second chance... Tara is the sharp, cool one. At the top of her TV career, she's recently married the love of her life, the charming Finn, after a whirlwind romance of just six months. And shy beautiful Holly is living a bohemian life that all her old classmates envy, with artistic friends and a beautiful apartment where her creative talents find an outlet. At the centre of the family is their mother, Rose, calm elegant and about to celebrate her fortieth wedding. But nothing in the lives of Rose and her daughters is as it seems, and as plans are made for the party of the decade, the secret heartaches the four women have kept hidden, even from the each other, begin to emerge. Are they strong enough to deal with the truth about their golden lives?

sexta-feira, agosto 31, 2007

46. Na Pista de um Rapto, Harlan Coben

327 páginas

Mark Seidman, um cirurgião plástico que vive em Nova Iorque, acorda no hospital gravemente ferido. Aí fica a saber da morte da mulher e do desaparecimento da sua filha de seis meses. Porém, tudo se altera quando lhe é deixado um bilhete com um pedido de resgate. Dominado por sentimentos ambíguos, Marc pressente que não se trata de um simples rapto, ou não teriam os raptores tentado matá-lo a ele e à mulher. Um thriller intenso, onde nada é o que parece, cheio de suspense até à última página.

segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007

45. Secret Smile, Nicci French

310 páginas

When Miranda Cotton returns from work to find her new boyfriend, Brendan, reading her diary, she ends the relationship and throws him out of her flat. Getting Brendan out of her life, however, is not so easy.Two weeks later her sister, Kerry, phones her in ecstasy. She's in love. She has a new boyfriend. He's called Brendan...So Brendan is back in Miranda's life - with a vengeance. But why has he done this? And what does he want from her?Soon, what began as an embarrassment becomes like an infestation - and then more terrifying than her worst nightmares...

quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2007

44. Star Sullivan, Maeve Binchy

106 páginas

Molly Sullivan said that the new baby was a little star. She was no trouble at all and she was always smiling...so she became known as Star and no one remembered that her name was Oona. Star Sullivan just wanted everyone to be happy - her father to stop gambling, her mother not to work so hard, her brother to stay out of trouble, her sister to stop worrying about every little thing she ate. Then the Hale family moved in next door, and from the moment Star saw 23-year-old Laddy Hale, everything began to change - until Star was no longer the sweet, thoughtful girl everyone loved and no one worried about...

quarta-feira, agosto 22, 2007

43. Harvesting the Heart, Jodi Picoult

453 páginas

Paige has only a few vivid memories of her mother, who left when she was five. Now, having left her father behind in Chicago, she dreams of art school and marries an ambitious doctor - and soon becomes a mother herself. Overwhelmed by the demands of having a family, Paige cannot forget her mother's absence and the shameful memories of her own past, which make her doubt bother her maternal abilities and her sense of self-worth. Out of Paige's struggle to find wholeness, Jodi Picoult crafts with astonishing clarity and evocative detail an absorbing novel that explores issues and emotions we can all relate to.

domingo, agosto 12, 2007

42. Twilight Eyes, Dean Koontz

478 páginas

No ordinary teenager does the things Slim MacKenzie has done. But then no ordinary teenager sees what he has seen.For Slim MacKenzie has Twilight Eyes, a terrifying psychic ability that allows him to pierce the outer skin of human appearances - sometimes revealing an altogether different creature beneath.And once he has identified the monster within, Slim knows it is his sacred duty to kill it....

segunda-feira, agosto 06, 2007

41. Beach Road, James Patterson

308 páginas

Montauk lawyer Tom Dunleavy's client list is woefully small -- occasional real estate closings barely keeps him in paper clips. When he is hired to defend a local man accused in a triple murder that has the East Hampton world in an uproar, he knows that he has found the case of his lifetime.
The crime turns the glittering playground for the super-rich into a blazing inferno. Dunleavy's client is a local hero, but Dunleavy knows the case rests atop a volcano of money, deception, and forbidden desires. His client is the perfect fall guy--unless he can find the key that unlocks the secret rooms of the gilt-shrouded set.
When Dunleavy is joined by his former flame, the savvy and well-connected attorney, Kate Costello, he believes he has a chance. But payback is a bitch -- especially from the rich. The violent retaliations of billionaires threatened by his investigation exceed anything Dunleavy has ever seen. With the entire nation's eyes on him in a new Trial of the Century, Dunleavy orchestrates a series of revelations that lead to a stunning outcome -- only to find afterward that the truth is wilder than anything he ever imagined.

sábado, agosto 04, 2007

40. Brincadeiras de Crianças, Carmen Posadas

391 páginas

Luísa, uma escritora de "thrillers", mulher emancipada e mãe solteira de uma filha pré-adolescente, trabalha num romance em que se investiga a morte de um rapazinho. Todavia, aos poucos, Luísa apercebe-se de que o enredo do seu livro tem muito a ver com um episódio obscuro do seu passado, o que parece estar também a repetir-se na vida da sua filha.

quarta-feira, agosto 01, 2007

39. Margarida na Austrália, Margarida Vila-Nova

193 páginas

Umas férias em grande! Um país que é um continente e fica do outro lado do mundo. Este é o diário da viagem que a Margarida fez pela Austrália entre Fevereiro e Março de 2007. Na primeira pessoa, contam-se as suas andanças pelos antípodas: encontros com cangurus, estadias em hotéis-fantasma, várias tentativas para nadar com golfinhos, um churrasco embaraçoso, a travessia do deserto, e muito mais...

segunda-feira, julho 30, 2007

38. The Cat Who saw Red

183 páginas

When Jim Qwilleran is sent to "Maus Haus" on a gastronomical quest, strange things occur. A startling scream pierces the night air and Joy Graham, the red-headed flame from Jim's past, disappears. Jim and his feline companions, Koko and Yum Yum, investigate.

quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007

37. Money, Money, Money, Ed McBain

269 páginas

Steve Carella, Meyer Meyer and Fat Ollie Weeks have been working the 87th Precinct for more than 40 years, but they're still the top dicks in town for devotees of Ed McBain's absorbing police procedurals, of which Money, Money, Money is one.
When a pretty, red-haired, ex-military pilot is killed, the boys in blue blunder around for a few chapters before they unmask her secret life as a drug courier. By then the burglar who broke into Cass Ridley's apartment and stole the "tip" she got for her last run has already tried to spend one of the $100 bills from her stash, attracting the attention of the Secret Service. The "superbill" is phoney, and by the time Carella and his crew uncover the international counterfeit ring behind it, McBain has taken the action up a notch with a terrorist plot to bomb Clarendon (read Carnegie) Hall, where an eminent Israeli violinist is performing. There's also a conspiracy involving a publishing company whose sales reps are so venal and violent you might think they were the creation of a writer who blamed them when his last book failed to sell. Not so McBain, who can't have too many complaints in that department. His publisher's reps have been living well for decades on the commissions earned on McBain's books (including those of Evan Hunter, his alter ego).
That he has kept this series going for so long without tricking up the plots, turning his characters into stereotypes or sacrificing their humanity is a tribute to his authorial gifts: expert pacing, sharp-edged dialogue, authenticity, wit and confidence. There's only one thing getting old in this, his 51st book in an evergreen series: the fictional convention that locates the 87th in a place called Isola instead of midtown Manhattan, where it so clearly is set.

segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007

36. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K.Rowling

607 páginas

Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him.In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectactular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again.

segunda-feira, julho 16, 2007

35. Wish You Were Here, Mike Gayle

364 páginas

Their holiday brochure said 18 -- 30... But they've just turned 35. After ten years together Charlie Mansell has been dumped by his live-in girlfriend, Sarah. All he wants to do is wallow in misery, but mates Andy and Tom have a better idea: a week of sun, sea and souvlaki in Malia -- party capital of the Greek islands. But Charlie and his mates aren't eighteen any more. Or even under thirty. And it shows. It isn't the cheap beer, the late nights or even the fast-food that's the problem. It's girls. And life. And most of all ...each other. Wish You Were Here is a heart-warming, funny and wise tale about love and friendship and how seven days in the sun can change your life forever.

34. Noites de Chuva e Estrelas, Maeve Binchy

228 páginas

Há a paisagem e há as pessoas.O ambiente, o quente e azul Verão da pequena ilha grega de Aghia Anna, a todos parece prometer momentos de descanso.Só Vonni, a mística irlandesa que vive na ilha há 30 anos e que por todos é respeitada, e o dono da taverna local, Andreas, estão ali para ficar. Aquela é a sua ilha. Quando se cruzam com os veraneantes, são apenas mais um bando de turistas, de passagem, em busca de sol. Mas desta feita um acidente no porto local faz com que um grupo de estranhos crie entre si laços para a vida. Thomas, o americano que sofre com o divórcio e teme perder o filho. Fiona, a irlandesa que tenta esconder os maus-tratos do namorado. Elsa, a bela alemã, estrela televisiva no seu país, que procura o anonimato. E David, o inglês amargurado com a pressão dos pais para que tome conta dos negócios de família. Quatro vidas, quatro fugas no que parecem ser apenas mais umas férias de Verão longe, bem longe de casa e dos problemas. É aliás isso que os liga: a fuga, a absoluta necessidade de fuga. Mas o acaso irá ligá-los pela amizade. Não sem que a sábia e experiente Vonni, de misterioso passado e origem, os ajude a mudar rumo das suas vidas.Afinal nem todos os Verões se dissolvem na memória como a areia se esvai entre os dedos, alguns Verões mudam para sempre as estações vindouras...

segunda-feira, julho 09, 2007

33. Harry Potter e o Princípe Misterioso, J.K.Rowling

509 páginas

Voldemort está mesmo de volta! Esta é a terrível confirmação que agita o início do sexto ano na escola de feitiçaria de Hogwarts. O seu crescente poder maléfico, e do seu vasto exército de Devoradores da Morte, é cada vez mais visível, não só no mundo da Magia como no mundo dos Muggles. Agora, mais do que nunca, é necessário reunir forças para combater o mal, e, para isso, Harry e Dumbledore visitam o passado misterioso de Voldemort, e o coração da magia negra, e desvendam alguns segredos verdadeiramente espantosos. Mas são muitos mais os enigmas que Harry terá de resolver, entre eles, um muito em especial – quem é o príncipe misterioso a quem pertenceu o livro sobre poções que Harry recebeu e que revela conhecimentos poderosíssimos e letais? Poderá contar com ele como aliado ou será mais um inimigo a vencer? Neste penúltimo livro da série, as forças são testadas até ao limite, e Harry terá de apelar a toda a sua coragem e determinação para prosseguir na luta contra o poderoso senhor das trevas!... Será que vai conseguir?

quarta-feira, julho 04, 2007

32. Step on a Crack, James Patterson

308 páginas

A powerful and political thriller from the master of the genre. The scene is set for a huge funeral in St Patrick's Cathedral in New York. The rich and the famous from all over America -- and beyond -- have arrived to honour a former First Lady after her sudden, unexpected death. Then follows an attack that was three years in the planning. Hostages are taken -- the ex-President among them -- ransoms demanded, a couple of hostages shot to show the kidnappers mean business. It's all brilliantly and chillingly co-ordinated, and Michael Bennett, the detective in charge of the case, knows it will be his biggest ever challenge.

quinta-feira, junho 28, 2007

31. O Atleta Desaparecido, Harlan Coben

324 páginas

Greg Downing é uma estrela do desporto. O sucesso, o dinheiro, as mulheres, fazem dele um herói nacional. Myron Bolitar podia ter tido tudo isso, a fama, o amor da mulher que ambos desejavam, mas uma lesão afasto-o da alta competição. Anos mais tarde, por ironia do destino, será Myron a investigar o estranho desaparecimento de Greg. Encontra vestígios de sangue na sua cave e deslinda uma estranha rede de interesses e crime. Myron Bolitar é obrigada a voltar a atrás. O passado guarda sempre algum segredo e mesmo que a sua vida tenha tomado um diferente rumo, o desaparecimento de Greg, um antigo rival, leva-o numa perigosa viagem ao submundo do desporto. Greg e Myron amavam a mesma mulher, e tinham um mesmo promissor futuro. A lesão de Myron afasta-o contudo do desporto e leva-o ao FBI. Agora trabalha por conta própria, como agente desportivo, e é contratado para encontrar Greg antes que o escândalo se espalhe... Numa poderosa trama de vingança e crime, Harlan Coben, distinguido com os três mais importantes prémios literários na área do crime - o Edgar, Shamus e Anthony Awards - marca um vigoroso compasso de suspense. A fachada, o luxo, a fama são desmontadas, passo a passo, pelo agente que assim se vê obrigado a enfrentar os seus próprios medos.

sábado, junho 23, 2007

30. O Cirurgião, Tess Gerritsen

334 páginas

Acutilante. Por vezes cortante, aterradora. Tess Gerritsen é uma das mais aclamadas escritoras de suspense da actualidade. Com mais de 20 milhões de exemplares vendidos em todo o mundo, a autora norte-americana alia todo o potencial da investigação forense a uma emocionante construção de enredo no encalço do criminoso. O meticuloso descortinar dos acontecimentos lembra aliás a aclamada série televisiva C.S.I. O Círculo de Leitores edita pela primeira vez em Portugal cinco dos seus títulos. «O Cirurgião» é o primeiro.

Ele mata sem pressa. Sabe exactamente onde e como quer cortar o corpo da sua próxima vítima... E fá-lo com rigor, com perícia, seguindo um ritual de sangue que alimenta a sua sede de poder e controlo. Mas quem é esse homem? É um homem ou um monstro?

Jane Rizzoli não se deixa impressionar com facilidade. É a única mulher na Brigada de Homicídios de Bóston pelo que nunca se pode mostrar frágil ou vulnerável. Aquele é um mundo de homens, mas ela é uma sobrevivente. De igual força e determinação, Catherine Cordell, hoje uma reputada médica, foi a única sobrevivente de uma série de horríveis crimes cometidos dois anos atrás. Quando recomeçam a aparecer corpos mutilados da mesma forma que as vítimas do cirurgião, Catherine percebe que o seu pesadelo não acabou. Será que o seu torturador não morreu afinal? Porque a persegue? Qual o seu plano de vingança?Um empolgante e minucioso thriller médico assinado pela mestre no género, Tess Gerritsen. Com formação em medicina, a autora norte-americana começou por editar trilhers românticos, mas em 1996, com a publicação de «Harvest», tornou-se uma das ficcionistas mais vendidas nos EUA. Recorrendo a todo o actual potencial da investigação forense, e fazendo uso do seu conhecimento cientifico, e de uma aplicada pesquisa que faz para cada um dos seus livros, tornou-se umas das mais lidas escritoras do género. Em «O Cirurgião» conhecemos duas notáveis mulheres – Jane Rizzoli, decidida a caçar o assassino, e Catherine Cordell a vítima que quer deixar de o ser. O rigor das descrições e o suspense criado deixam-nos sem fôlego até à ultima página.

quarta-feira, junho 20, 2007

29. Rage, Jonathan Kellerman

391 páginas

"On a slow chilly Sunday in January, shortly after the Lakers overcame a sixteen point halftime deficit and beat New Jersey, I got a call from a murderer." Eight years ago, psychologist, Alex Delaware evaluated two teenage boys charged with the shocking murder of young Kristal Malley. Now, one of the killers is out of prison and wants to meet up with Alex. But by the time the pair do come face to face again, one of them is dead. Was Rand Duchay just another victim of an LA street crime? Or is something more sinister going on here? Alex and Detective Milo Sturgis mean to find out. To do so, they will follow a trail of blood that will lead them to the depths of cruelty and straight to the heart of murderous betrayal.

28. Quentins, Maeve Binchy

403 páginas

Every table at Quentins Restaurant has a thousand stories to tell: tales of love, betrayal and revenge. Ella Brady wants to make a documentary about the renowned Dublin restaurant that has captured the spirit of a generation and a city in the years it has been open. In Maeve Binchy's magical QUENTINS you will meet new friends and old: the twins from SCARLET FEATHER, the Signora from EVENING CLASS, Ria from TARA ROAD - and a host of fresh faces. There is Monica, the ever-cheerful Australian waitress, and Blouse Brennan, whose simplicity disguises a sharp mind and a heart of gold. Presiding over Quentins are Patrick and Brenda Brennan, who have made Quentins such a legend. But even they have a story and a sadness which is hidden from the public gaze. As Ella uncovers more of what has gone on, she wonders about the wisdom of bringing it to the screen. Should the restaurant keep its secrets?

domingo, junho 10, 2007

27. Tell Me Lies, Jennifer Crusie

347 páginas

Maddie Faraday's life would be perfect--if it weren't for
her cheating husband
her suspicious daughter
her gossipy mother
her secretive best friend
her nosy neighbors,
and that guy she lost her virginity to twenty years ago...
In Tell Me Lies, Jennifer Cruise dishes up a funny, sexy, suspeseful novel about small-town secrets, big-time betrayals and the redemptive power of love, laughter and choclate brownies.

terça-feira, junho 05, 2007

26. The 6th Target, James Patterson

328 páginas

The next thrilling novel in the Women's Murder Club series. After a dramatic shoot out at a ferry dock, Detective Lindsay Boxer is called to the scene to find that three people have been killed, and one of her closest friends, Claire, has been shot and lies bleeding, whilst the murderer is on the run. Lindsay promises Claire that she'll hunt down this killer and bring him to justice, but sadly, it doesn't prove to be so straightforward. A man comes forward claiming to be the ferry murderer and Yuki Castellano, one of the Women's Murder Club, prepares to set out the charges against him. But it's not all over, a child has been abducted and is still missing. To increase the mystery and confusion, there are a series of suspicious and unexplained deaths in the building where Cindy lives - yet another of the Women's Murder Club is in danger. Lindsay discovers yet more abducted children, and the hunt begins in earnest to return the children to their parents.

quinta-feira, maio 31, 2007

25. Two Little Girls in Blue, Mary Higgins Clark

322 páginas

Returning home from a black-tie dinner in New York, Margaret and Steve Frawley find the police in their house and their twin daughters gone. The kidnapper, who calls himself the "Pied Piper", soon makes his terms known: on delivery of a ransom, a phone call will reveal the girls' whereabouts. The ransom is delivered but, when the call comes, only Kelly is in the car parked behind a deserted restaurant. The driver is dead from a gunshot wound and has left a suicide note, confessing to killing Kathy and dumping her body in the ocean. When strange occurrences begin to suggest that Kathy may still be alive, and communicating with Kelly, Margaret finds herself alone in wanting to continue the search for her daughter. But as Kelly's warnings become increasingly specific and alarming, the FBI agents set out to search for Kathy. As they close in on the Pied Piper and his accomplices, Kathy's life hangs by a thread...

sexta-feira, maio 25, 2007

24. A Máscara de Desonra, Minette Walters

375 páginas

An old woman is found dead in her bath, her wrists slashed: an apparent suicide. But she is wearing a scold's bridle on her head, adorned with a crown of nettles. What could have driven her to such a desperate act? Then rumours start to spread that her death wasn't suicide but murder.

terça-feira, maio 22, 2007

23. Perfect Match, Jodi Picoult

389 páginas

What happens when you do all the right things for all the wrong reasons?
As an assistant district attorney, Nina Frost prosecutes the sort of crimes that tear families apart. She helps clients navigate their way through a nightmare – even though the legal system is not always the faultless compass they want and need it to be. She learns that the easiest way to cross this devastating minefield time and time again is to offer compassion, battle fiercely for justice, and keep her emotional distance. But when Nina and her husband discover that their five-year-old son Nathaniel has been sexually abused, that distance is impossible to maintain. The world Nina inhabits now seems different from the one she lived in yesterday; the lines between family and professional life are erased; and answers to questions she thought she knew are no longer easy to find.
Overcome by anger and desperate for vengeance, Nina ignites a battle that may cause her to lose the very thing she’s fighting for. Jodi Picoult’s stunning novels about the complexities of contemporary family life are written with delicacy and wisdom. They are also impossible to put down, and Perfect Match is no exception.

segunda-feira, maio 14, 2007

22. Velocity, Dean Koontz

397 páginas

The new fast-moving thriller from Dean Koontz is the story of an innocent man forced by a serial killer to choose who will be murdered next. William Wiles is an easygoing thirty-something, a bartender who lives a quiet life alone until a serial killer singles him out - not to kill him, but to force him to decide who the next victim will be. On his SUV Billy finds the first note: 'If you don't take this note to the police and get them involved, I will kill a lovely blonde schoolteacher. If you do take this note to the police, I will instead kill an elderly woman active in charity work. You have four hours to decide. The choice is yours.' Billy pays an informal visit to an acquaintance, Lanny Olson, who is a policeman, and who thinks the note is a prank. The schoolteacher dies. The next note reverses the choices: if Billy takes the note to the police, a mother of two young children will die. If he doesn't, an unmarried man who won't be much missed will die. Lanny has to take this note seriously but the deadline runs out before he can decide how to make his involvement official. Billy doesn't hear from him again because Lanny himself, unmarried, who will not be much missed, has become the next victim. There will be more communications from the killer, more hideous choices, with ever tighter decision times, and with each choice Billy is drawn deeper into an accelerating nightmare, which steadily becomes more personal, more confrontational, until he is isolated, with no one to turn to and no one to rely on but himself. Finally he must risk everything to save the intended victims.

segunda-feira, maio 07, 2007

21. Hide and Seek, James Patterson

429 páginas

Maggie Bradford is one of the most beloved singer/songwriters anywhere. She's also the devoted mother of two children. She seems to have it all. And so, how could she have murdered not just one, but two of her husbands? With unrelenting suspense, James Patterson answers that question.

quinta-feira, maio 03, 2007

20. Extremamente Alto e Incrivelmente Perto, Jonathan Safran Foer

425 páginas

Nine-year-old Oskar Schell is an inventor, amateur entomologist, Francophile, letter writer, pacifist, natural historian, percussionist, romantic, Great Explorer, jeweller, detective, vegan, and collector of butterflies. When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre, Oskar sets out to solve the mystery of a key he discovers in his father's closet. It is a search which leads him into the lives of strangers, through the five boroughs of New York, into history, to the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima, and on an inward journey which brings him ever closer to some kind of peace.

domingo, abril 29, 2007

19. Sophie's Bakery for the Broken Hearted, Lolly Winston

384 páginas

36-year-old Sophie Stanton has lost her young husband to cancer. In an age where women are expected to be high-achievers, Sophie desperately wants to be a good widow - a graceful, composed Jackie Kennedy kind of widow. Alas, Sophie is more of a Jack Daniels kind. Guzzling cartons of ice-cream for breakfast, breaking down in the frozen food aisle of her local supermarket, showing up to work in her bathrobe and bunny slippers - soon she's not only lost her husband, but her job and her waistline. With nowhere to go but up, Sophie leaves California for Oregon and after several false starts opens her own fabulous bakery. Juggling the success of the bakery, her friends and her new life, Sophie proves that with enough humour and chutzpah it is possible to have life after loss. And falling in love again is all she needs...

segunda-feira, abril 23, 2007

18. The Coffin Dancer, Jeffery Deaver

390 páginas

This return engagement for quadriplegic criminologist Lincoln Rhyme is strong on forensic details as he tracks an elusive assassin known only by the tattoo that gives this fast-paced thriller its title.
Three witnesses to a murder could put a millionaire arms dealer behind bars for good. When one of them, the co-owner of Hudson Air, is blown up in a plane bombing with the Dancer's fingerprints all over it, the FBI takes the other witnesses into protective custody. Only Rhyme can decipher a crime scene, read the residue of a bombing or identify a handful of dirt well enough to keep up with the killer. Helped by Amelia Sachs, his brilliant and able-bodied assistant, Rhyme traces the Dancer through Manhattan streets, airports and subways. The psychological tension builds rapidly from page one all the way through to the stunning and unexpected denouement. At the same time, Jeffery Deaver slowly develops the against-all-odds love affair between Rhyme and Sachs.