segunda-feira, abril 27, 2015

17. Little Lies, Liane Moriarty

452 Páginas

She could hear men and women shouting. Angry hollers crashed through the soft humid salty summer night. It was somehow hurtful for Mrs Ponder to hear, as if all that rage was directed at her . . . then she heard the wail of a siren in the distance, at the same time as a woman still inside the building began to scream and scream... 
When a harmless quiz night ends with an act of shocking violence, the parents of Pirriwee Public School can't seem to stop their secrets from finally spilling out. Rumours ripple through the small town, as truth and lies blur to muddy the story of what really happened on that fateful night...

segunda-feira, abril 20, 2015

16. Um Homem sem Passado, Peter May

360 Páginas

Um cadáver não identificado é recuperado de um campo na ilha de Lewis. Quando os testes de ADN indicam um parentesco entre o cadáver recuperado da turfa e o pai de Marsaili, a paixão de infância de Fin, este vê o seu regresso assumir contornos mais turbulentos do que aquilo que inicialmente esperava. Tormod Macdonald, agora um homem idoso preso nas garras da demência, sempre afirmou ser filho único, sem família próxima. 
Como Fin acabará por descobrir, é uma mentira que Tormod manteve por uma boa razão.

domingo, abril 12, 2015

15. The Stranger, Harlan Coben

384 Páginas

The Stranger appears out of nowhere, perhaps in a bar or a parking lot or at the grocery store. His identity is unknown. His motives are unclear. His information is undeniable. Then he whispers a few words in your ear and disappears, leaving you picking up the pieces of your shattered world. 
Adam Price has a lot to lose: a comfortable marriage to a beautiful woman, two wonderful sons, and all the trappings of the American dream - a big house, a good job, a seemingly perfect life. 
Then he runs into the Stranger. When he learns a devastating secret about his wife, Corrine, he confronts her, and the mirage of perfection disappears as if it never existed at all. Soon Adam finds himself tangled in something far darker than even Corrine's deception and realises that if he doesn't make exactly the right moves, the conspiracy he's stumbled into will not only ruin lives - it will end them.

domingo, abril 05, 2015

14. Paris for One, Jojo Moyes

95 Páginas

Nell is twenty-six and has never been to Paris. She has never even been on a weekend away with her boyfriend. Everyone knows she is just not the adventurous type. 
But, when her boyfriend doesn't turn up for their romantic mini-break, Nell has the chance to prove everyone wrong. 
Alone in Paris, Nell meets the mysterious moped-riding Fabien and his group of carefree friends. Could this turn out to be the most adventurous weekend of her life?

13. Burn, James Patterson

401 Páginas

Detective Michael Bennett and his family come home to New York City. The ruthless crime lord who forced them into hiding is down for good. Bennett takes over a chaotic Outreach Squad in Harlem, a caller claims well-dressed men held a bizarre party in a condemned building. Report is dismissed until a charred body is found there -- leading to underground depravity.