quarta-feira, dezembro 30, 2009

49. Morte à Primeira Vista, Peter James

462 páginas

Eles observam. Eles escolhem. Eles matam. Tom Bryce fez aquilo que qualquer pessoa decente faria. Mas horas depois de ter pegado no CD que tinha sido esquecido no banco ao lado do seu no comboio, e na tentativa de o devolver ao proprietário, Tom é a única testemunha de um assassínio perverso, e a sua jovem família é ameaçada de morte se ele contar à polícia. Mas apoiado pela sua mulher, Kellie, Tom presta corajosamente declarações junto da equipa de investigação criminal chefiada pelo comandante de polícia Roy Grace, um homem com os seus próprios fantasmas pessoais. A partir desse momento, o assassinato da família Bryce torna-se uma mera formalidade - e uma atracção macabra. O anúncio da morte de Kellie e Tom já foi posto na Internet. Pode entrar e vê-los numa página. A morte fica-lhes bem.

quarta-feira, dezembro 16, 2009

48. Cross Country, James Patterson

406 páginas

When Detective Alex Cross is called to investigate a massacre-style murder scene, he is shocked to find that one of the victims is an old friend. Angry, grieving, and more determined than ever, Cross begins the hunt for the perpetrators of this vicious crime. He is drawn into a dangerous underworld right in the heart of Washington DC that leads him on a life-threatening journey to the Niger Delta, where heroin dealing, slave trading and corruption are rife. At the centre of this terrifying world, Cross finds the Tiger - the psychopathic leader of a fearsome gang of killers who are not what they seem. As Cross tracks the elusive Tiger through Africa, he must battle against conspiracy and untold violence. Alex Cross is in a heart-stopping chase that takes him across a vast and uncompromising landscape and finds him not only hunting for a horrific killer, but also fighting for his own survival.

quarta-feira, dezembro 09, 2009

47. A Busca, Iris Johansen

264 páginas

Integrando uma equipa de elite de busca e salvamentos, Sarah Patrick e o seu cão Monty, têm o dom de encontrar aquilo que mais ninguém conseguiria localizar, seja um sobrevivente enterrado vivo durante um tremor de terra ou o esqueleto de uma criança assassinada. É a Sarah que Eve Duncan deve a recuperação dos restos da filha Bonnie (ver os anteriores romances da autora publicados pela Gradiva). Mas agora Sarah é forçada a tomar parte numa missão de vida ou de morte por um homem que sabe o suficiente sobre o seu passado para garantir a sua cooperação. Um homem que não aceita uma recusa.
John Logan está habituado a conseguir o que quer e o que quer agora é a ajuda de Sarah. O seu laboratório ultra-secreto foi sabotado, as instalações destruídas e o pessoal, que escolheu a dedo, massacrado. O único sobrevivente foi vítima de sequestro. Logan sabe que a única maneira de salvar o homem ¾ e os segredos que guarda ¾ é encontrá-lo o mais rapidamente possível.
Correndo contra o tempo para impedir o derramamento de sangue antes que surjam mais vítimas, Sarah e Logan vão apontar directamente ao coração do mal.

terça-feira, dezembro 01, 2009

46. A Faint Cold Fear, Karin Slaughter

462 páginas

Sara Linton, medical examiner in the small town of Heartsdale, is called out to an apparent suicide on the local college campus. The mutilated body provides little in the way of clues - and the college authorities are keen to avoid a scandal - but for Sara and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, things don't add up. Two more suspicious suicides follow, and a young woman is brutally attacked. For Sara, the violence strikes far too close to home. And as Jeffrey pursues the sadistic killer, he discovers that ex-police detective Lena Adams, now a security guard on campus, may be in possession of crucial information. But, bruised and angered by her expulsion from the force, Lena seems to be barely capable of protecting herself, let alone saving the next victim...

domingo, novembro 22, 2009

45. O Símbolo Perdido, Dan Brown

571 páginas

Washington, D. C.: Robert Langdon, simbologista de Harvard, é convidado à última hora para dar uma palestra no Capitólio. Contudo, pouco depois da sua chegada, é descoberto no centro Rotunda um estranho objecto com cinco símbolos bizarros. Robert Langdon reconhece-os: trata-se de um convite ancestral para um mundo perdido de saberes esotéricos e ocultos. Quando Peter Solomon, eminente maçom e filantropo, é brutalmente raptado, Langdon compreende que só poderá salvar o seu mentor se aceitar o misterioso apelo. Langdon vê-se rapidamente arrastado para aquilo que se encontra por detrás das fachadas da cidade mais poderosa da América: câmaras ocultas, templos e túneis. Tudo o que lhe era familiar se transforma num mundo sombrio e clandestino, habilmente escondido, onde segredos e revelações da Maçonaria o conduzem a uma única verdade, impossível e inconcebível. Trama de história veladas, símbolos secretos e códigos enigmáticos, tecida com brilhantismo, O Símbolo Perdido é um thriller surpreendente e arrebatador que nos surpreende a cada página. O segredo mais extraordinário e chocante é aquele que se esconde diante dos nossos olhos...

segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2009

44. Crepúsculo, Stephenie Meyer

477 páginas

When 17 year old Isabella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father she expects that her new life will be as dull as the town. But in spite of her awkward manner and low expectations, she finds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale, dark-haired new girl in town. But not, it seems, the Cullen family. These five adopted brothers and sisters obviously prefer their own company and will make no exception for Bella. Bella is convinced that Edward Cullen in particular hates her, but she feels a strange attraction to him, although his hostility makes her feel almost physically ill. He seems determined to push her away ? until, that is, he saves her life from an out of control car. Bella will soon discover that there is a very good reason for Edward's coldness. He, and his family, are vampires ? and he knows how dangerous it is for others to get too close.

quinta-feira, outubro 22, 2009

43. The Midnight Club, James Patterson

349 páginas

A stunningly brilliant psychopathic killer who has skillfully elluded the police from London to Paris to New York. A beautiful woman journalist suddenly in grave danger. An unorthodox New York detective whose motive for stopping the killer couldn't be more personal or emotional.

quinta-feira, outubro 15, 2009

42. O Homem de Sampetersburgo, Ken Follet

350 páginas

1914: a Alemanha prepara-se para a guerra e os aliados constroem as suas defesas. Ambos os lados precisam da Rússia. O Duque de Walden e Winston Churchill planeiam, em total segredo, uma aliança russa mas um homem infiltra-se em Inglaterra com a intenção de deixar a sua marca na História e deixar o país a seus pés...

domingo, outubro 11, 2009

41. O Sabor da Vingança, Karen Rose

432 páginas

Romântico, aterrador. Dana trabalho num centro de acolhimento. Abriga mulheres vítimas de violência. Lida há tanto tempo com a dor que esqueceu já o que é amar. Quando Ethan Buchanan, habituado a perseguir alguns dos mais perigosos homens do planeta, a conhece fica desarmado. Mas também ele fará o que for preciso para reencontrar o seu afilhado. Será que se escondem naquela casa? Que segredos guarda Dana? Será ela a próxima vítima?

domingo, outubro 04, 2009

40. Vozes de Verão, Rosamunde Pilcher

296 páginas

Laura, de 37 anos, recupera de uma operação em casa da família do marido, enquanto Alec, com autorização da mulher, passa as suas férias anuais a pescar na Escócia. Mas nem estando numa casa tão agradável como Tremenheere ― na Cornualha e a escassos minutos do mar ― a perspectiva de passar duas semanas com os familiares do marido consegue ser animadora. Sobretudo porque Laura nunca acreditou que se tivesse realmente inserido na família e também porque nunca conseguiu sentir-se verdadeiramente livre da presença invisível da primeira mulher de Alec.

quinta-feira, outubro 01, 2009

39. Relentless, Dean Koontz

356 páginas

Hostile reviews may have hastened the deaths of some writers, but Cubby Greenwich is made of sterner stuff. At least this is what he tells himself, meanwhile obsessing about the scathing review of his latest bestseller by Shearman Waxx in a national newspaper. A feared and therefore revered critic, Waxx has an aura of mystery about him that has carried him far as an arbiter of taste, but the mystery itself is about to break cover. In an unexpected encounter with Waxx, Cubby says one innocent word, but it is the wrong word, and it seems to trigger an inhuman fury in the critic, who becomes bent on destroying Cubby and everything he loves. For it soon becomes apparent that Waxx is not merely a ferocious literary enemy, but a ruthless sociopath. When Cubby finally learns the truth, can he save himself and his family from the appalling danger they are in? The terror has only just begun!

domingo, setembro 27, 2009

38. At the Stroke of Madness, Alex Kava

329 páginas

FBI Special Agent Maggie O'Dell is just starting a hard-earned vacation when she gets a call from her friend, psychologist Dr. Gwen Patterson. One of Gwen's patients is missing on a trip to Connecticut. Can Maggie look into Joan Begley's disappearance? At first Maggie dismisses Gwen's concern. But when the body of a woman is discovered buried in an abandoned rock quarry in Connecticut, Maggie heads to the small town on "unofficial" business to see if there's a connection to Joan Begley. Soon the shocking news surfaces that more bodies have been discovered. And before she realizes it, Maggie is drawn into a case that confounds both local law enforcement and a seasoned criminal profiler like herself. The question remains: Where is Joan Begley? Is she in fact the woman discovered buried in the quarry? Or is she the unwilling guest of a killer obsessed with possessing an unimaginable prize from his victims?

terça-feira, setembro 22, 2009

37. Twenties Girl, Sophie Kinsella

432 páginas

Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don't get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of Lara's great aunt Sadie - in the form of a bold, demanding Charleston-dancing girl - has appeared to make one last request: Lara must track down a missing necklace Sadie simply can't rest without. Lara's got enough problems of her own. Her start-up company is floundering, her best friend and business partner has run off to Goa, and she's just been dumped by the love of her life. But as Lara spends time with Sadie, life becomes more glamorous and their treasure hunt turns into something intriguing and romantic. Could Sadie's ghost be the answer to Lara's problems and can two girls from different times end up learning something special from each other?

quinta-feira, setembro 17, 2009

36. Baggage, Emily Barr

346 páginas

At eighteen, your closest friend commits suicide.At twenty-nine, you’re backpacking in the Australian outback when you see her. She has a husband. She has a ten-year-old son. She has a baby on the way. She claims to be someone else. But you’d recognise her anywhere.Back in England you tell your journalist boyfriend. While he never knew her, he always knew of her – her name is Daisy Fraser and she was awaiting trial over the deaths of four people when she jumped off the Severn Bridge. He thinks: This could be the scoop of the century. He says: Happy Christmas – I’m taking you to Australia to find Daisy.

terça-feira, setembro 15, 2009

35. Relentless, Simon Kernick

461 páginas

John Meron, a happily married father of two who's never been in trouble, receives a phone call that will change his life for ever: his friend Jack Calley, a high-flying City lawyer, is screaming down the phone for help. As Meron listens, Calley is murdered. His last words, spoken to his killer, are the first two lines of Meron's address. Confused and terrified, Meron scoops up his children and hurries out of the house. Just in time. Within minutes, a car pulls up outside, and three men get out. It's clear that they're coming for him. He's being hunted and has no idea why. And with his wife missing, an unidentified corpse in her office, and the police after him for murder, his life's about to get one hell of a lot worse.

quinta-feira, setembro 03, 2009

34. Be My Baby, Zoe Barnes

330 páginas

Lorna had given up her career as a midwife to have her own baby. Happily married to Ed, she had looked forward to telling him that Leo would soon have a baby brother or a sister to play with. But fate had stepped in and left her widowed with a young son and another baby on the way. Eighteen months later, Lorna misses Ed as much as ever, but knows she must get out and make a new life for herself and her children. When her mum and dad suddenly find themselves desperate for somewhere to live, what could be more natural than for them to come and live with Lorna? It'll be a great opportunity for her to go back to her job, while they get to know their grandchildren. But that's before the mishaps, the arguments over childcare, or the rows that break out when Lorna announces that she's met a hunky doctor and is ready to start dating again.

terça-feira, agosto 25, 2009

33. O Caso da Criança Desaparecida, Minette Walters

334 páginas

Neste livro, Walters dá a conhecer o estranho desaparecimento de Amy, uma criança com apenas dez anos. O assustador é que precisamente no bairro onde ela se eclipsou vive um pedófilo que atormenta a paz dos vizinhos e que os leva a pensar no pior. Os protestos para a descoberta de Amy rapidamente se transformam em motins organizados pela multidão em fúria que exibe cartazes que apelam à salvação da menina. O que a população desconhece é que nas garras desse perigoso homem se encontra aprisionada a jovem médica do bairro, em perigo de vida...

terça-feira, agosto 18, 2009

32. Whistleblower, Tess Gerritsen

328 páginas

When Victor Holland came flying out of the night, he ran straight into the path of Catherine Weaver's car. Having uncovered a terrifying secret which leads all the way to Washington, Victor is running for his life - and from the men who will go to any lengths to silence him.Victor's story sounds like the ravings of a mad-man, but the haunted look in his eyes - and the bullet hole in his shoulder - tell a different story.As each hour brings pursuers ever closer, Cathy has to wonder, is she giving her trust to a man in danger or trusting her life to a dangerous man?

quarta-feira, agosto 12, 2009

31. One for the Money, Janet Evanovich

320 páginas

Watch out, world. Here comes Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter with attitude. In Stephanie's opinion, toxic waste, rabid drivers, armed schizophrenics, and August heat, humidity, and hydrocarbons are all part of the great adventure of living in Jersey.
She's a product of the "burg," a blue-collar pocket of Trenton where houses are attached and narrow, cars are American, window are clean, and (God forbid you should be late) dinner is served at six.
Now Stephanie's all grown up and out on her own, living five miles from Mom and Dad's, doing her best to sever the world's longest unbilical cord. Her mother is a meddler, and her grandmother is a few cans short of a case.
Out of work and out of money, with her Miata repossessed and her refrigerator empty, Stephanie blackmails her bail bondsman cousin, Vinnie, into giving her a try as an apprehension agent. Stephanie knows zilch about the job requirements, but she figures her new pal, fearless bounty hunter Ranger, can teach her what it takes to catch a crook.
Her first assignment: nail Joe Morelli, a former vice cop on the run from a charge of murder one. Morelli is also the irresistible macho pig who took Stephanie's virginity at age sixteen and then wrote the details on the bathroom wall of Mario's Sub Shop. There's still powerful chemistry between these two, so the chase should be interesting.
It could also be extremely dangerous, especially when Stephanie encounters a heavyweight title contender who likes to play rough. Benito Ramirez is known for his brutality to women. At the very least, his obsession with Stephanie complicates her manhunt and brings terror and uncertainty into her life. At the worst, it could lead to murder.

sábado, agosto 08, 2009

30. No Quarto da Noite, Peter Straub

342 páginas

No seu mais recente romance, Peter Straub conta a história de uma famosa escritora de livros infantis que, na sequência de um grotesco acidente, se apercebe que os acontecimentos mais importantes da sua vida, incluindo a sua própria existência, foram postos em questão. Willy Patrick, a respeitada autora do galardoado romance juvenil No Quarto da Noite, pensa que está a ficar louca - uma vez mais. Um dia é atraída a um parque de estacionamento de um armazém. Ela pressente que a sua filha, Holly, está a ser retida no edifício, e sente uma devastadora necessidade de a salvar. Mas o que Willy pressente é impossível, pois a sua filha está morta. No mesmo dia, o autor Timothy Underhill, que tem vindo a travar uma luta com a escrita do seu novo livro sobre uma jovem mulher problemática, é confrontado com o fantasma da irmã de nove anos, April. Pouco depois, começa a receber misteriosos e fragmentados e-mails que finalmente descobre serem de pessoas que conheceu na sua juventude - pessoas agora mortas. Tal como a irmã, eles têm algo urgente para lhe dizer. Quando Willy e Timothy se conhecem, as assustadoras semelhanças entre a trágica perda de Willy e a história narrada no manuscrito de Timothy sugerem que ambos devem unir forças para confrontar os males que os rodeiam.

quinta-feira, julho 30, 2009

29. The Soul Catcher, Alex Kava

411 páginas

FBI Special Agent Maggie O'Dell and her partner Tully investigate two cases--the murder of a senator's daughter in Washington, D.C., and a deadly shootout in Massachusetts, both of which are linked to Reverend Joseph Everett, who is dating Maggie's mother.

domingo, julho 19, 2009

28. Handle with Care, Jodi Picoult

477 páginas

Charlotte O'Keefe's beautiful, much-longed-for, adored daughter Willow is born with osteogenesis imperfecta - a very severe form of brittle bone disease. If she slips on a crisp packet she could break both her legs, and spend six months in a half body cast. After years of caring for Willow, her family faces financial disaster. Then Charlotte is offered a lifeline. She could sue her obsetrician for wrongful birth - for not having diagnosed Willow's condition early enough in the pregnancy to be able to abort the child. The payout could secure Willow's future. But to get it would mean Charlotte suing her best friend. And standing up in court to declare that she would have prefered that Willow had never been born...

terça-feira, julho 07, 2009

27. 8th Confession, James Patterson

356 páginas

Behind the closed doors of San Francisco's grandest mansions, beautiful people party the nights away in a heady mix of money, drugs, drink and sex. But the rich and famous aren't the only ones with the keys to these most exclusive of addresses, someone else is intent on crashing the party. A rock star, a fashion designer, a software tycoon and a millionaire heiress. Each is glamourous, stunningly attractive and incredibly rich, but their similarities don't end there, they have something else in common too. They are all dead. Just as the rich and famous are the talk of the town when they're alive, interest in them certainly doesn't die when they do, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is quickly assigned to the case. In stark contrast, few people seem as interested when a local hero, Bagman Jesus, is brutally murdered.Reporter Cindy Thomas soon becomes interested in his story: his work with the homeless of San Francisco was admirable. He was loved by so many - who would want to kill him? Could the down-and-out Samaritan have been hiding a dark secret? It isn't just Cindy who has questions that need answering, Lindsay fiercely depends on Claire's help to crack her case. Both seek guidance from their friends, but in doing so, they are forced to confront feelings they'd buried away. Things aren't so simple for Yuki either, as she falls quite literally head over heels in love; but the man of her dreams isn't quite who he seems. The Women's Murder Club need each other more than ever but with tensions running high will the friends be strong enough to stick together or will the strain tear them apart?

domingo, julho 05, 2009

26. It Had to Be You, Susan Elisabeth Philips

386 páginas

The windy city isn't quite ready for Phoebe Somerville-the trendy, outrageous and curvaceous New York knockout who has just inherited the Chicago Stars football team. And Phoebe is definitely not prepared for the Stars' head coach Dan Celbow - an Alabama-born former gridiron legend and blond barbarian.Calebow is everything Phoebe abhors - a sexist, jock tacskmaster with a one-track mind. The beautiful new boss is everything Dan despises - a meddling bimbo whos doesn't know pigskin from a pitcher's mound, So why is he drawn to the shameless sexpot like a heat-seeking missile? And why does Dan's good ol'boy charm leave cosmpolitan Pheobe feeling awkward, tongue-tied and frightened to death?

quinta-feira, junho 25, 2009

25. Compulsão, Val McDermid

415 páginas

Cometer um homicídio é como magia. A leveza da mão... o engano do olho. Dezenas de raparigas adolescentes estão desaparecidas no Reino Unido. As autoridades estão convencidas de que fugiram de casa e que estão ligadas apenas pelo azar de uma selecção aleatória. Os investigadores criminais Dr. Tony Hill e Carol Jordan são incumbidos de procurar um padrão. Passaram anos a explorar as mentes de loucos. Porém, os homens sãos também matam. E quando se escondem à vista de todos pode ser difícil encontrá-los... E aquilo que podem fazer é aterrador.Ele é bonito e talentoso, rico e famoso - um homem reconhecido pelo seu encanto, com poder de sedução... e vontade de destruir. Ninguém acredita no que ele é capaz de fazer. Ninguém imagina aquilo que já fez. E ninguém faz ideia do que está prestes a fazer. Até uma das alunas de Hill ser assassinada - o primeiro passo num jogo doentio e violento para três jogadores. E, de todos os assassinos que Hill e Jordan já caçaram, nenhum foi tão implacável, tão aterradoramente inteligente e tão brilhantemente esquivo como o assassino que está a caçá-los a eles...

24. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K.Rowling

399 páginas

Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him.In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectactular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again.

segunda-feira, junho 15, 2009

23. Promise Me, Harlan Coben

452 páginas

The 2am phone call is from a young, frightened, lost girl who has called the one adult who had promised to help her if she ever got into any trouble - she has turned to Myron Bolitar. But Myron's help proves not to be enough. Stumbling from his Manhattan bed, he races down to pick up her up from a cold street corner and take her back to safety. But - against his better judgment - she persuades him to drop her at an unknown address in the suburbs. This is a mistake that he lives to regret, for Aimee Biel's final wave from a darkened porch turns out to be the last time anyone will see her...Driven by guilt and the desperation of her family, Myron decides to break his vow of six years and get involved in the search himself. But his past will not be buried so easily...and Myron must decide once and for all who he is and what he will stand up for if he is to have any hope of rescuing both Aimee and himself.

quinta-feira, junho 11, 2009

22. Dead Silence, Brenda Novak

419 páginas

There's a body buried behind a Mississippi farmhouse.
Grace Montgomery knows who it is, and she knows why it happened. She was only thirteen the night it all went wrong. And now, like then, she has no choice but to keep her mouth shut.
Grace left the town of Stillwater thirteen years ago, trying to forget, trying to make good. As an assistant D.A. in Jackson, she's finally achieved the success that was supposed to change her life. But it hasn't -- so she's come back to confront her own history. Which means returning to the farmhouse now owned by her brother and facing the people of Stillwater, a number of whom suspect the truth.
Widower Kennedy Archer is one of those people. He's running for mayor and needs to stay as far away from Grace as possible. And yet . . . she's an enigma he can't resist. Even though her enemies are close to finding out what really happened -- and that could ruin them both.

domingo, junho 07, 2009

21. Husbands, Adele Parks

469 páginas

Bella secretly married her childhood sweetheart, Stevie, over a decade ago; they were at university, two big kids playing at being grownups. When it all unravelled and reality hit, Bella simply got up and left. And the secret remained a secret. Years later, Bella meets Philip and, despite her vow never to marry again, she can't resist him. He is a catch. Funny, charming, interesting and kind. Only hitch is, she's still (technically, anyway) married to Stevie. Bella, typically, just ignores the problem. And the moment to tell Philip never quite seems to arrive. So Bella plans never to reveal her secret after all, it's just a silly piece of paper, lodged at a registrar's office in Aberdeen, isn't it? She hasn't seen Stevie for years probably never will again. Except that Bella's best friend Laura has fallen in love, and when she introduces her new man to the gang it is none other than Stevie. Could things get any more complicated? Only if Bella and Stevie fall in love with each other again.

sábado, maio 30, 2009

20. A Maiden's Grave, Jeffery Deaver

419 páginas

A trio of desperate convicts has hijacked a bus carrying a group of deaf and mute schoolgirls who are now being held hostage in a disused slaughterhouse. FBI agent Arthur Potter has to negotiate with the men. The killers will murder one innocent child an hour until their demands are met.

terça-feira, maio 19, 2009

19. 13 Gotas ao Deitar, Alice Vieira, Rosa L.Faria, Rita Ferro, etc

198 páginas

Quando seis autoras se juntam para escrever uma história, o resultado é um romance alucinante, onde não faltam mulheres e homens, doenças raras, médicos de índole suspeita, polícias e muito mistério, tudo servido em doses de humor irreverente. A história, nascida da imaginação de seis mulheres, promete personagens e uma prosa bem viva… apesar das mortes que vão ocorrendo, como é bom de ver. Este romance constitui um divertimento para as seis escritoras que se encontraram (reencontraram, num caso ou noutro) pelo prazer de dar largas à imaginação e escrever, cada uma, dois capítulos do livro.

sexta-feira, maio 15, 2009

18. Um Beijo na Escuridão, Linda Howard

246 páginas

É um trabalho mortal. Eficiente, profissional, e sem remorsos, Lily Mansfield é uma assassina contratada que trabalha como agente da CIA. Os alvos dela são os poderosos e os corruptos. Os que estão acima da lei. Agora, depois de dezanove anos no activo, Lily foi atraída para um perigoso jogo: procurar vingança pela morte dos que lhe eram próximos. Com cada movimentação mais genial que a anterior, ela está a comprometer os seus superiores, atraindo atenções indesejadas e colocando em risco a sua própria vida. Lily sente-se invencível, mas mesmo ela pode ser eliminada se cometer o mais pequeno erro. Se tiver que ser, assim seja, Lily não pretende morrer sem dar luta. Lucas Swain, um agente da CIA, tem ordens simples: trazê-la viva ou morta. No entanto, também ele é atraído para o jogo de Lily, e dança na corda bamba, tentando evitar um incidente internacional enquanto luta contra um obstinado inimigo que lhes segue cada passo. Fascinado pela extrema inteligência de cada movimento dela, conseguirá Lucas terminar a sua missão? Lily vai descobrir o quão letal é o seu caminho... e o quanto a lealdade tem um preço.

segunda-feira, maio 04, 2009

17. A Vintage Affair, Isabel Wolff

420 páginas

Do fairytale dresses bring fairytale endings? Every dress has a history, so does Phoebe! Phoebe always dreamt of opening her own vintage dress shop. She imagined every detail, from the Vivienne Westwood bustiers hanging next to satin gowns, to sequinned cupcake dresses adorning the walls. At the launch of Village Vintage, Phoebe feels the tingle of excitement as customers snap up the fairytale dresses. Her dream has come true, but a secret from her past is casting a shadow over her new venture. Then one day she meets Therese, an elderly Frenchwoman with a collection to sell, apart from one piece that she won't part with ! As Therese tells the story of the little blue coat, Phoebe feels a profound connection with her own life, one that will help her heal the pain of her past and allow her to love again.

sábado, maio 02, 2009

16. Split Second, Alex Kava

408 páginas

After Albert Stucky, a brutal and clever serial killer known as "The Collector," escapes from prison, he forces FBI profiler Maggie O'Dell, the agent who originally captured him, to play a deadly game when he targets her and everyone associated with her, pushing her to the very edge of sanity.

domingo, abril 26, 2009

15. Se me pudesses ver agora, Cecelia Ahern

292 páginas

Elizabeth tem trinta e quatro anos e vive numa casa que ela adora e paga com o dinheiro que ganha no seu bem-sucedido negócio de designer de interiores. A vida não lhe foi fácil. Desde que a mãe os abandonara, Elizabeth acabou de se criar a si própria, enquanto criava também a irmã, Saoirse, e cuidava do pai. Aos dezasseis anos Saoirse engravidara por pura distracção. E agora Elizabeth tem o pequeno Luke para criar, uma criança que ela teme que também venha a ser problemática, uma vez que tem um amigo imaginário. Mesmo assim Elizabeth controla tudo na perfeição. Mas agora que Ivan apareceu na sua vida, vai mudá-la de formas que ela nunca podia ter imaginado... Um conto de fadas moderno, uma história cheia de romantismo, emoção, sonho e fantasia.

quarta-feira, abril 22, 2009

14. Run for Your Life, James Patterson

373 páginas

Detective Michael Bennett is back and the race is on to catch a deadly killer terrorising New York. The Teacher has a meticulous and calculated plan. Cold-hearted and cunning, no one knows who he is or where he came from. Until now. Now it is time for everyone to learn his name as he teaches New York a lesson it will never forget. Intent on exacting revenge and causing mass hysteria, he embarks on the worst killing spree the city has ever seen. The whole New York Police Department is tested to its limits, none more so than Detective Michael Bennett. As the Teacher leads him on a terrifying chase, Bennett follows in his tracks but just as he seems to be on the brink of a breakthrough, he is pulled deeper and deeper into an unfolding terror. The killer has one more victim in his sights and it brings Bennett's investigation frighteningly close to home. With only one man standing in his way, how far will the Teacher go to complete what he set out to do? And at what price?

quinta-feira, abril 16, 2009

13. What to do When Someone Dies, Nicci French

344 páginas

‘This is not my world. Something is wrong, askew. It is a Monday evening in October. I am Ellie Falkner, 34 years old and married to Greg Manning. Although two police officers have just come to my door and told me he is dead... ’ It's devastating to hear that your husband has died in a horrific car accident. But to learn that he died with a mystery woman as his passenger is torment. Was Greg having an affair? Drowning in grief, Ellie clings to Greg's innocence, and her determination to prove it to the world at large means she must find out who Milena Livingstone was and what she was doing in Greg's car. But in the process those around her begin to question her sanity ... and her motive. And the louder she shouts that Greg might have been murdered, the more suspicion falls on Ellie herself. Sometimes it's safer to keep silent when someone dies...

domingo, abril 05, 2009

12. Where Are You Now?, Mary Higgins Clark

289 páginas

It has been ten years since 21-year-old Kevin MacKenzie, Jr. ('Mack') went missing. A Columbia University senior, about to graduate and already enrolled in Duke University Law School, he walked out of his room and has never been seen again. However, he does ritually call to his mother every year: on her birthday, on his birthday, and on Mother's Day. Each time, he assures her he is fine, refuses to answer her frantic questions, then hangs up. Even the death of his father, a corporate lawyer, on 9/11 does not bring him home, or break the pattern of his calls. Mack's sister, Carolyn, is now 26, realises that neither she nor her mother will ever be able to have closure and get on with their lives until they find her brother. She sets out to discover what happened to Mack, and why he has found it necessary to hide from them. Her journey into the world of people who willingly disappear from their own lives leads her to learn about others who may or may not still be alive, and ultimately to a deadly confrontation with someone close to her who suddenly becomes an enemy - and cannot allow her to disclose his secret...

terça-feira, março 31, 2009

11. A Perfect Evil, Alex Kava

461 páginas

On July 17 convicted serial killer Ronald Jeffreys was executed for three heinous murders. Three months later, another body is found near Platte City, Nebraska -- killed in the same style as Jeffreys'. It takes the expertise of FBI profiler Maggie O'Dell to reveal that Jeffreys may have been executed for two murders he didn't commit...and that another killer is still on the loose, preying on the innocent. It's now up to Maggie -- aided by local sheriff Nick Morelli -- to unmask the face of evil and stop a cold-blooded killer from taking another life...

segunda-feira, março 23, 2009

10. Lessons in Heartbreak, Cathy Kelly

454 páginas

Three Lives. Three Loves. Three Reasons to Let Go - the compelling new novel from the international No.1 bestselling author Izzie Silver left the small Irish town of Tamarin behind for New York. Life is good - until she breaks her own rules and falls for a married man. On the other side of the ocean, Izzie's aunt Anneliese discovers the pain of infidelity for herself. Then Lily, the wise and compassionate family matriarch, is taken ill. At her bedside back in Ireland, Izzie discovers a past her grandmother has never spoken of, while Anneliese feels despair mount. The one person she could have turned to is starting to slip away. The lessons each of the women learns - both past and present - bring joy and heartbreak. And the hardest lesson of all is learning to let go.

quinta-feira, março 12, 2009

9. O Anjo da Morte, Ariana Franklin

415 páginas

Em Cambridge, uma criança é violentamente assassinada e outras crianças desaparecem. Os judeus, bodes expiatórios do clero cristão todo-poderoso, foram forçados a esconder-se no castelo para evitar a matança por parte dos revoltados habitantes da cidade.Um investigador famoso, Simon de Nápoles, é recrutado e chega à cidade acompanhado de um árabe e de uma jovem, Adelia Aguilar, uma das poucas médicas na Europa do século XII.A especialidade de Adelia é o estudo de cadáveres; ela é, de facto, uma mestra da arte da morte, uma capacidade que deve ser escondida pois pode levar a jovem a ser acusada de bruxaria.A investigação de Adelia leva-a a Cambridge, aos seus castelos e conventos, e, numa cidade medieval cheia de vida, ela faz amigos e até se apaixona. Fatalmente, atrai a atenção de um assassino que está preparado para matar mais uma vez.

domingo, março 01, 2009

8. American Girls about Town - Jennifer Weiner, Adriana Trigiani, etc

368 páginas

Now that the Scottish girls and the Irish girls have had their chance (Irish Girls About Town; Scottish Girls About Town), a delightful—if uneven—new collection of 17 stories from American women authors hits the scene. While many stories are simply shorter versions of chick-lit books—breezy, light, fun—some play with the rules. The best of the bunch come from a mix of name writers and lesser known talents. Laura Wolf's "Amore" follows a young woman through her lifelong quest to bypass dull American boys and find an interesting foreign man—a quiet-sounding premise that heats up with an unexpected twist. Sarah Mlynowki's lively "The Two-Month Itch" chronicles the possible outcomes of kissing—or not kissing—the cute boy seated next to you on a plane when you're not at all single. Lynda Curnyn's "The Uncertainty Principle" is a dreamy, atmospheric story of what happens in one apartment when the lights go out in New York City in the summer of '03. And in Claire Lazebnik's charming "Leaving a Light On," a married couple pretends to meet for the first time in a hotel bar, spicing up their marriage with "casual sex." While this anthology has its share of mediocre padding, the gems in it are strong enough to make this a rewarding read for lovers of chick lit.

domingo, fevereiro 22, 2009

7. O Último Fôlego, George D. Shuman

233 páginas

George D. Shuman regressa com um novo livro empolgante que volta a trazer à ribalta a bela e invulgar Sherry Moore. Sherry possui uma característica muito peculiar: ela consegue ver o que ficou registado na memória de uma pessoa durante os seus últimos 18 segundos de vida. Quando os corpos de três mulheres são descobertos e nada no cenário as liga àqueles que haviam sido apontados como suspeitos do crime, torna-se óbvio que o serial killer ainda anda à solta e Sherry entra em acção. Porém, os métodos do assassino dificultam o seu trabalho e, à medida que o tempo corre, o seu dom poderá torná-la também um alvo. Thriller psicológico e romance de investigação criminal, esta é uma obra imperdível de um autor a quem a crítica não poupa elogios.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 16, 2009

6. 18 Segundos, George D. Shuman

275 páginas

Esta primeira obra de um autor que desempenhou uma actividade policial durante vinte anos é um livro que surpreende, arquitectado com um realismo convincente. Sherry Moore é invulgarmente bela, cega, vulnerável e compassiva. A sua mente tem uma característica única, a de poder «ver» o que ficou gravado nos últimos 18 segundos de memória que antecedem a morte de uma pessoa. Essa capacidade cedo a põe em contacto com as forças da lei a quem ajuda a resolver casos criminais. Quando a tenente O’Shaughnessy começa a investigar casos de desaparecimento de jovens mulheres em Wildwood, na Nova Jérsia, as duas mulheres juntam forças para capturar um tenebroso serial killer, acabando por encontrar-se em poder do assassino... Um novo estilo de thriller, não aconselhável a cardíacos.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 12, 2009

5. The Cat Who Played Post Office, Lilian Jackson Braun

214 páginas

Inheriting unexpected millions has left reporter Jim Qwilleran looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. While his two Siamese cats, Koko and Yum Yum, adjust to being fat cats in an enormous mansion, Qwilleran samples the life-styles of the rich and famous by hiring a staff of eccentric servants. A missing housemaid and a shocking murder soon show him the unsavoury side of the upper crust. But it's Koko's purr-fect propensity for clues amid the caviar and champagne that gives Qwilleran pause to evaluate the most unlikely suspects...before his taste for the good life turns into his last meal.

domingo, fevereiro 08, 2009

4. Bons Augúrios, Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

377 páginas

Este é o livro mais divertido alguma vez escrito sobre o Armagedão. Não vale a pena reler esta última frase, caro leitor, foi mesmo isso que se quis dizer. «Mas como é que um livro sobre o fim do mundo pode, de algum modo, ser cómico?» Ora aí é que está, caríssimo leitor, a explicação é óbvia – esta obra foi escrita por dois dos mais geniais autores de fantasy da actualidade. Ao sabor das suas endiabradas penas, até o mais inverosímil pode assumir a aparência de algo plausível! Neil Gaiman e Terry Pratchett criaram um texto que, ao fundir a fantasia e a comédia, resulta absolutamente jocoso, satírico inventivo e cheio de sabedoria. Desde o início dos tempos que Ele (Deus, o Diabo ou ambos em co–autoria conspiratória) haviam planeado o Armagedão, a Derradeira Batalha entre o Bem e o Mal, o fim do mundo tal como o conhecemos. E havia séculos que os demónios (e os anjos?) trabalhavam nesse sentido. Era chegada a hora! Faziam–se agora os últimos preparativos e tudo se ajustava para a hecatombe final. Mas os desígnios de Deus (e do Diabo?) são, como se sabe, insondáveis e, vá–se lá saber porquê, uma pequena distracção, uma simples troca de bebés, coloca o recém–nascido Anticristo na família errada e voilà! tudo corre mal! Por serem todos grandes apreciadores dos prazeres terrenos, os representantes do Céu e do Inferno, os Quatro Cavaleiros (leia–se Motoqueiros) do Apocalipse e o próprio Anticristo decidem, pasme–se, tomar as rédeas dos acontecimentos e sabotar o Armagedão! O resultado já o leitor pode imaginar – uma leitura deliciosa que nos leva às lágrimas através de um riso de proporções apocalípticas. Diabolicamente hilariante...

domingo, janeiro 25, 2009

3. Die for Me, Karen Rose

695 páginas

The first victim is found in a snow-covered Philadelphia field. Detective Vito Ciccotelli enlists the aid of archaeologist Sophie Johannsen to determine exactly what lies beneath the frozen ground. Despite years of unearthing things long buried, nothing can prepare Sophie for the matrix of graves dug with chilling precision. The victims buried there haunt her. But the empty graves terrify her-the killer isn't done yet.
He is cold and calculating, the master of a twisted game. Even with Vito and Sophie hot on his trail, he will not stop. One more empty grave must be filled, and one last scream must be heard-the scream of an archaeologist who is too close for comfort and too near to resist...

quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2009

2. Brother Odd, Dean Koontz

364 páginas

Odd Thomas is looking for peace. But in the silence and snow of the mountains, danger and desperation haunt him still ! By popular demand, the story of the life and times of Odd Thomas continues. To escape the haunting memories of his lost soul-mate Stormy Llewellyn, Odd has retreated to a monastry in the High Sierra. It's December. Icy winds and deep snow besiege the remote abbey, a contrast to the sunbleached desert town of Pico Mundo where Odd was born. A white dog named Boo befriends Odd. The King of Rock 'n' Roll has followed him there and silently serenades man and dog. But Elvis isn't the most spooky phenomenon in the place. Odd is one of four guests there. Another is John Heineman, world-famous physicist, who years earlier left the secular world because he found the nature of reality, as quantum mechanics reveals it, so very weird. But Heineman continues his physics experiments down in the catacombs of the facility. Added to this, those shadowy harbingers of extreme violence, bodachs, are prowling the halls. Only Odd can see them. Only he knows what their presence means. Odd has a knack for finding himself in the path of trouble no matter where he goes, even among the eccentric monks in their sanctuary ! where Odd is about to encounter an enemy that eclipses any he has yet known.

sábado, janeiro 03, 2009

1. Crazy for You, Jennifer Crusie

298 páginas

Quinn McKenzie is living what she calls a beige life, and she's bored to the point of insanity. But it's when she adopts a stray dog that her life is turned upside-down. There is adultery, theft, stalking, gossip, seduction and dognapping - just another day in Tibbett, Ohio.

sexta-feira, janeiro 02, 2009


2008 não correu muito bem em termos de leituras, li menos que em 2007, e houve poucos livros muito bons ou grandes revelações. Pode ser que o novo ano seja melhor. Mais tempo, mais leitura, mais qualidade.