Fairy godmothers do exist, even in the tranquil hills of Ireland...Once upon a time, in the beautiful town of Carrickwell, lived three women whose lives were mapped out: Ambitious Mel would have her career and her family; caring Daisy a child with the boyfriend who is everything to her; and hot-headed Cleo would finish her degree and step into the family hotel business. Until the landscape shifted and it all came tumbling down. But Carrickwell, nestled in the shadows of Mount Carraig, is an ancient, magical place. And when Leah, a woman with her own secret turmoil, opens the Clouds Hill spa, Mel, Daisy and Cleo are thrown together -- and find the courage to discover what really matters to them, always and forever!
segunda-feira, abril 19, 2010
quinta-feira, abril 08, 2010
11. Os 3 Casamentos de Camilla S., Rosa Lobato de Faria
"Aos noventa anos, Camilla começa a escrever a sua auto-biografia, baseando-se nos seus diários que mantém até à data. Aos longos das páginas, Camilla revê a sua vida, desde a sua infância de orfã criada pelos tios-avós numa quinta de Sintra, passando por aquilo que considera ser o ponto fundamental da sua existência como pessoa e mulher, os seus três casamentos. Para Camilla, os seus casamentos marcaram diferentes momentos, ou ciclos, da sua vida. O denominador comum dos três passa pelo apelido dos seus maridos, todos começados com a letra S, como havia previsto a sua fiel amiga e criada Paca."
terça-feira, abril 06, 2010
10. Killing Floor, Lee Child
Margrave is a no-account little town in Georgia. Jack Reacher jumps off a bus and walks fourteen miles in the rain, just passing through. An arbitrary decision, a tribute to a guitar player who died there decades before. But Margrave has just had its first homicide in thirty years. And Reacher is the only stranger in town. So the murder is pinned on him. As nasty secrets leak out and the body count mounts, only one thing is for sure: They picked the wrong guy to take the fall.Killing Floor introduces Jack Reacher, the tough ex-military cop of no fixed abode. Trained to think fast and act faster, with an eye for the women, he is truly every thinking reader’s perfect action hero.
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