domingo, maio 30, 2010

16. 9th Judgement, James Patterson

353 páginas

The most personal.
A young mother and her infant child are ruthlessly gunned down while returning to their car in the garage of a shopping mall. There are no witnesses, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is left with only one shred of evidence: a cryptic message scrawled across the windshield in bloodred lipstick.
The most dangerous.
The same night, the wife of A-list actor Marcus Dowling is woken by a cat burglar who is about to steal millions of dollars' worth of precious jewels. In just seconds there is a nearly empty safe, a lifeless body, and another mystery that throws San Francisco into hysteria.
The most exciting Women's Murder Club novel ever.
Lindsay spends every waking hour working with her partner, Rich--and her desire for him threatens to tear apart both her engagement and the Women's Murder Club. Before Lindsay and her friends can piece together either case, one of the killers forces Lindsay to put her own life on the line--but is it enough to save the city?

quinta-feira, maio 20, 2010

15. A Vida nas palavras de Inês Tavares, Alice Vieira

135 páginas

Que fazer, quando se tem 13 anos, se pediu um i-pod pelo Natal e se recebe um diário? Aqui se relata – pelas palavras da própria – um ano da vida de Inês Tavares, com as suas melhores amigas (e dois amigos, porque os rapazes fazem sempre jeito para levar às festas…) e as suas grandes paixões: o chocolate e o Brad Pitt; para além da paz no mundo, claro. Uma fatia da vida dos nossos dias, em tom divertido, com a qualidade da escrita de Alice Vieira.

domingo, maio 16, 2010

14. Meia Hora para mudar a minha vida, Alice Vieira

154 páginas

Ela ficou a olhar para o carro, até que ele desapareceu ao fundo da rua. Depois correu para casa abriu a porta,atravessou o corredor, entrou no quarto, abriu a gaveta,encontrou a agenda.Teclou o número no telemóvel. Ela sabe que vai finalmente regressar a casa.Diz-se muitas vezes que a nossa vida é um palco. No caso de Branca, que nasceu no meio de uma enorme salva de palmas, a expressão é mesmo para ser levada à letra —como, mais tarde, ela acabará por perceber.

sábado, maio 15, 2010

13. The Twelfth Card, Jeffery Deaver

521 páginas

Geneva Settle is a bright young high school student from Harlem writing a paper about one of her ancestors, a former slave called Charles Singleton. Geneva is also the target of a ruthless professional killer. Criminalist Lincoln Rhyme and his policewoman partner Amelia Sachs are called into the case, working frantically to anticipate where the hired gun will strike next and how to stop him, all the while trying to get to the truth of Charles Singleton, and the reason that Geneva has been targeted. For Charles Singleton had a secret - a secret that may strike at the very heart of the United States constitution, and have disastrous consequences for human rights today. And Sachs is going to have to search a crime scene that's 140 years old before she can stop the killer.