sábado, dezembro 10, 2011
35. Tick Tock, James Patterson
quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2011
34. Cross Fire, James Patterson
quarta-feira, novembro 30, 2011
33. O Princípe da Neblina, Carlos Ruiz Záfon
quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2011
32. Pensa num Número, John Verdon

segunda-feira, novembro 14, 2011
31. The Very Picture of You, Isabel Wolff
sábado, novembro 12, 2011
30. Torres Gémea, Cidades Distantes, Fernando Correia
sexta-feira, novembro 11, 2011
29. O Ladrão da Eternidade, Clive Barker

domingo, novembro 06, 2011
28. As Loucuras de Brooklyn, Paul Auster

Tendo como pano de fundo as polémicas eleições americanas de 2000, As Loucuras de Brooklyn conta-nos a história de Nathan e do seu sobrinho Tom. Divorciado e afastado da sua única filha, Nathan procura apenas a solidão e o anonimato. Por seu lado, o atormentado Tom está a fugir da sua em tempos promissora carreira académica e da vida em geral. Acidentalmente, acabam ambos a viver no mesmo subúrbio de Brooklyn, e juntos descobrem inesperadamente uma comunidade que pulsa de vida e oferece uma súbita e imprevisível possibilidade de redenção. Sob a égide de Walt Whitman, desfila neste livro toda a dimensão e multiplicidade de Brooklyn: os personagens típicos de bairro, drag queens, intelectuais frustrados, empregadas de cafés decadentes, a burguesia urbana, tudo isto sob o olhar ternurento que Auster lança da mítica ponte de Brooklyn, sem contudo deixar de orquestrar romances improváveis e diálogos hilariantes, e considerar experiências tão extremas como o casamento entre uma actriz pornográfica e um fanático religioso.
domingo, outubro 23, 2011
27. Trace, Patricia Cornwell
segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2011
26. No Seu Mundo, Jodi Picoult

Jacob Hunter é um adolescente: brilhante a Matemática, sentido de humor aguçado, extraordinariamente bem organizado, incapaz de seguir as regras sociais. Jacob tem síndrome de Asperger. Está preso no seu próprio mundo – consciente do mundo exterior e querendo relacionar-se com ele. Jacob tenta ser um rapaz como os outros mas não sabe como o conseguir. Quando o seu tutor é encontrado morto, todos os sinais típicos da síndrome de Asperger – não olhar as pessoas nos olhos, movimentos descontrolados, acções inapropriadas – são identificados pela Polícia como sinais de culpa. E a mãe de Jacob tem de fazer a si própria a pergunta mais difícil do mundo: será o seu filho capaz de matar?
domingo, setembro 25, 2011
25. A Darker Domain, Val McDermid
1984. The National miners' strike is dividing the country, and in a struggling coal-mining town, the miners and their families are living at the edge of their resources. They have no money, and there is no food or heating. On the 14th of December, five miners break ranks to travel to Nottingham and work. For those who stay behind, this is an unforgivable betrayal, and the men are branded as scabs. 23 years later, a young woman is asking the police to trace her missing father: miner Mick Prentice vanished, never to be seen again, although money has been sent to his family; he was widely considered to be one of the scabs. Soon, D I Karen Pirie and DS Phil Parharta find themselves investigating a forgotten disappearance.
This is the provocative premise of Val McDermid's latest novel, A Darker Domain, and this utterly compelling book is further proof that McDermid is determined to stretch the parameters of what crime fiction is supposedly capable of. McDermid has always been prepared to freight serious issues into her work, and this novel -- which, in many ways, is an examination of the conditions that produced the Britain we live in today -- demonstrates the continuing high level of her ambition.
In fact, Karen Pirie, when taking on this new assignment, is already involved in a case of kidnapping that took place 22 years earlier (in which a woman was killed during a bungled handover of money). Journalist Bel Richmond makes a startling discovery concerning the MacLennan kidnapping while on holiday in Tuscany, and as the three protagonists dig deeper into ever-more labyrinthine mysteries, they are to make some remarkable discoveries -- discoveries which throw light not just on the crimes involved, but on the whole of British society.
As all of this might suggest, the stakes here are as high as one is likely to find in a crime novel, and Val McDermid demonstrates that she is as capable as ever of integrating the demands of the page-turning crime narrative with a discussion of the things that make society tick.
sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2011
24. Caught, Harlan Coben
sábado, setembro 10, 2011
23. Indelible, Karin Slaughter
Medical examiner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver take a trip from the pressures of Heartsdale (in the hope of straightening out their relationship), but a detour to Jeffrey’s hometown lands them in the most difficult case of their career.
Readers are probably growing weary of the inevitable comparison novels like Slaughter’s draw with those of Thomas Harris--and rightly so. But the trouble is, such comparisons are right on the nail for Slaughter. She may not quite have the older writer's authority, but she is undoubtedly skilled at creating a delicious, unsettling tension in the reader--as is very much the case in Indelible. And she’s careful, too, to ensure that the relationship between Sara Linton and Jeffrey Tolliver isn’t sidelined by the accelerating tension--that relationship is moved on considerably here. The fulsome praise on the jacket from such fellow scribes as John Connolly and Michael Connelly is more than professional courtesy here--they’re fully justified by the work on offer.
quinta-feira, setembro 08, 2011
22. Out of My Depth, Emily Barr
segunda-feira, setembro 05, 2011
21. O Hipnotista, Lars Kepler
quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2011
20. Blood from Stone, Frances Fyfield
segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2011
19. Uma Questão de Atracção, David Nicholls
sexta-feira, agosto 19, 2011
18. Swimsuit, James Patterson
sexta-feira, agosto 12, 2011
17. Sei Onde Estás, Karen Rose
sábado, julho 30, 2011
16. The Darkest Evening of the Year, Dean Koontz
segunda-feira, julho 18, 2011
15. Livro, José Luis Peixoto

terça-feira, julho 05, 2011
14. Exposed, Alex Kava

373 páginas
Agent Maggie O'Dell and Assistant Director Cunningham believe they're responding to a threat made at Quantico. Instead they walk into a trap. Before they realize it, they've both been exposed to a killer who can strike at anyone, at any time, and no one can predict who might be next…until it's too late.
The killer's tactics suggest he's an aficionado of criminal minds. He uses bits and pieces from those he admires: a phrase from the Beltway Snipers, a clue from the Unabomber, a delivery method similar to the Anthrax Killer. His weapon is a deadly virus, virtually invisible and totally unexpected. His victims appear to be random but, in fact, they are chosen with a revengeful precision. The vaccine is limited and untested.
Maggie knows dangerous minds—from hauntingly perverse child predators to cunningly twisted serial killers. Now she faces a new opponent from inside an isolation ward at a biosafety containment hospital. Maggie must help Agent R. J. Tully find clues to catch the killer—while waiting to see if the deadly strain is already multiplying in her body. With every new exposure there's the potential for an epidemic. And Maggie knows she and Cunningham may not live long enough to discover who is the deadliest, most intelligent killer they've ever profiled.
quinta-feira, junho 23, 2011
13. O Caçador de Raposas, Minette Walters
sexta-feira, junho 10, 2011
12. Os Bosques de Whitethorn, Maeve Binchy
quinta-feira, maio 26, 2011
11. Men at Work, Mike Gayle
domingo, maio 22, 2011
10. 10th Anniversary, James Patterson
segunda-feira, maio 16, 2011
9. Belas Mentiras, Lisa Unger
sábado, abril 30, 2011
8. The To Do List, Mike Gayle

domingo, abril 17, 2011
7. Lembranças Macabras, Tess Gerritsen
sábado, abril 09, 2011
6. Past Mortem, Ben Elton

segunda-feira, março 21, 2011
5. Plan B, Emily Barr
terça-feira, março 08, 2011
4. I, Alex Cross, James Patterson
segunda-feira, fevereiro 21, 2011
3. Bloody Valentine, James Patterson
domingo, fevereiro 13, 2011
2. O Clube Mefisto, Tess Gerritsen
sábado, janeiro 29, 2011
1. Mini Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella

396 páginas
Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) thought motherhood would be a breeze and that having a daughter was a dream come true – a shopping friend for life! But it’s trickier than she thought – two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping.She can create havoc everywhere from Harrods to Harvey Nicks to her own christening. She hires taxis at random, her favourite word is ‘Mine‘, and she’s even started bidding for designer bags on ebay.On top of everything else, there’s a big financial crisis. People are having to Cut Back – including all of Becky’s personal shopping clients – and she and Luke are still living with Becky’s Mum and Dad. To cheer everyone up, Becky decides to throw a surprise birthday party – on a budget – but then things become really complicated.Who will end up on the naughty step, who will get a gold star and will Becky’s secret wishes come true?