sábado, dezembro 10, 2011

35. Tick Tock, James Patterson

496 páginas

A bomb set in one of New York's busiest places is discovered before it explodes. But relief turns to terror when the police realise it is just a warning of greater devastation to come. The city calls on Detective Michael Bennett, pulling him away from a seaside vacation with his ten adopted children and their beloved nanny, Mary Catherine - leaving his entire family open to attack. Bennett enlists the help of a former colleague, FBI Agent Emily Parker. His affection for Emily grows into attraction and then something stronger, and his relationship with Mary Catherine takes an unexpected turn. Another horrifying crime leads Bennett to a shocking discovery that exposes the killer's pattern - and the earth-shattering enormity of his plan

quarta-feira, dezembro 07, 2011

34. Cross Fire, James Patterson

464 páginas

Detective Alex Cross and Bree's wedding plans are put on hold when Alex is called to the scene of the perfectly executed assassination of two of Washington D.C.'s most corrupt: a dirty congressmen and an underhanded lobbyist. Next, the elusive gunman begins picking off other crooked politicians, sparking a blaze of theories--is the marksman a hero or a vigilante?

The case explodes, and the FBI assigns agent Max Siegel to the investigation. As Alex and Siegel battle over jurisdiction, the murders continue. It becomes clear that they are the work of a professional who has detailed knowledge of his victims' movements--information that only a Washington insider could possess.

As Alex contends with the sniper, Siegel, and the wedding, he receives a call from his deadliest adversary, Kyle Craig. The Mastermind is in D.C. and will not relent until he has eliminated Cross and his family for good. With a supercharged blend of action, deception, and suspense, Cross Fire is James Patterson's most visceral and exciting Alex Cross novel ever.

quarta-feira, novembro 30, 2011

33. O Princípe da Neblina, Carlos Ruiz Záfon

208 Páginas

O primeiro livro da trilogia Neblina.

Um diabólico príncipe que tem a capacidade de conceder e realizar qualquer desejo... a um preço muito elevado. O novo lar dos Carver, numa remota aldeia da costa sul inglesa, está rodeado de mistério. Respira-se e sente-se a presença do espírito de Jacob, o filho dos antigos donos, que morreu afogado.

As estranhas circunstâncias dessa morte só se começam a perceber à medida que os jovens Max, a irmã Alicia e o amigo Roland vão descobrindo factos muito perturbadores sobre uma misteriosa personagem de seu nome… o Príncipe da Neblina.

quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2011

32. Pensa num Número, John Verdon

448 Páginas

Pelo correio chega uma série de cartas perturbadoras que terminam com uma declaração inquietante: «Pensa num número qualquer até mil, o primeiro que te vier à cabeça... Repara agora como eu conheço bem os teus segredos.» Estranhamente, aqueles que obedecem constatam que o remetente de tais cartas previu com precisão a sua escolha. Para Dave Gurney, um inspector de homicídios recém-reformado da Polícia de Nova Iorque e amigo de um dos alvos das missivas, o que primeiro lhe pareceu um caso estranho depressa se transforma num complicado quebra-cabeças que levará a uma investigação em grande escala na busca de um pérfido assassino em série. Convidado como consultor pelo gabinete do procurador, em pouco tempo Gurney consegue alguns avanços na descoberta de pistas que a polícia local negligenciara. Ainda assim, diante de um adversário que parece ter o dom da clarividência e antecipar-se a todos os passos, vê os seus melhores esforços dissiparem-se como areia por entre os dedos. Terá encontrado, ao fim de vinte e cinco anos de carreira exemplar, um adversário capaz de o vencer?

segunda-feira, novembro 14, 2011

31. The Very Picture of You, Isabel Wolff

371 Páginas

A forbidden love, a life-long secret, and one chance to make the right decision.

Ella has always been an artist, jotting down pictures from a young age, and now in her thirties she has made it her profession. Commissioned to capture memories, fading beauty and family moments, her sitters often reveal more about themselves than merely their outward appearance.

When Ella's younger sister Chloe asks her to paint a portrait of her new fiancé Nate, Ella is reluctant. He is a brash American who Ella thinks has proposed far too fast, so the thought of spending many hours alone with him fills her with dread. But before long Ella realises there is more to Nate than meets the eye.

Beautifully inter-weaving the stories of Ella's sitters – from the old lady with a wartime secret, to the handsome politician who has a confession to make – with Ella's own hunt for her real father and slow realization that she is falling in love with the wrong man, Isabel Wolff delivers a mesmerizing story that delivers a powerful emotional punch.

A truly unforgettable portrait of the many aspects of love.

sábado, novembro 12, 2011

30. Torres Gémea, Cidades Distantes, Fernando Correia

113 Páginas

O narrador de Torres Gémeas, Cidades Distantes, alternadamente, vai dando a conhecer ao leitor o quotidiano de Romualdo, um jovem advogado, e de Sofia, uma estudante universitária a frequentar o último ano da sua licenciatura, cujos destinos, casualmente, se cruzam, levando a que a narrativa passe a englobar uma única história, onde os ingredientes centrais são o mistério, o amor, a traição e o crime, temperados por uma boa dose de incerteza e por um fim inesperado...

sexta-feira, novembro 11, 2011

29. O Ladrão da Eternidade, Clive Barker

188 Páginas

Quando, nos longos meses de Inverno, um rapaz chamado Harvey se sente a morrer de tédio, eis que surge um homem que o conduz para uma estranha e fascinante casa onde em cada dia passam as quatro estações do ano e não há regras, apenas divertimento e milagres. A casa de férias do Senhor Hood existe há mais de 1000 anos, oferecendo as boas-vindas a todas as crianças e satisfazendo todos os seus desejos. Mas quando Harvey encontra um lago povoado por criaturas que eram, outrora, crianças como ele, descobre que há um preço a pagar pela sua estadia na casa, e o que era um sonho tornado realidade, cedo se transforma num pesadelo…

domingo, novembro 06, 2011

28. As Loucuras de Brooklyn, Paul Auster

300 páginas

Tendo como pano de fundo as polémicas eleições americanas de 2000, As Loucuras de Brooklyn conta-nos a história de Nathan e do seu sobrinho Tom. Divorciado e afastado da sua única filha, Nathan procura apenas a solidão e o anonimato. Por seu lado, o atormentado Tom está a fugir da sua em tempos promissora carreira académica e da vida em geral. Acidentalmente, acabam ambos a viver no mesmo subúrbio de Brooklyn, e juntos descobrem inesperadamente uma comunidade que pulsa de vida e oferece uma súbita e imprevisível possibilidade de redenção. Sob a égide de Walt Whitman, desfila neste livro toda a dimensão e multiplicidade de Brooklyn: os personagens típicos de bairro, drag queens, intelectuais frustrados, empregadas de cafés decadentes, a burguesia urbana, tudo isto sob o olhar ternurento que Auster lança da mítica ponte de Brooklyn, sem contudo deixar de orquestrar romances improváveis e diálogos hilariantes, e considerar experiências tão extremas como o casamento entre uma actriz pornográfica e um fanático religioso.

domingo, outubro 23, 2011

27. Trace, Patricia Cornwell

416 páginas

Dr. Kay Scarpetta, now freelancing from south Florida, returns to the city that turned its back on her five years ago.

In Trace, Scarpetta travels to Richmond, Virginia, at the odd behest of the recently appointed Chief Medical Examiner, who claims that he needs her help to solve a perplexing crime. When she arrives, however, Scarpetta finds that nothing is as she expected: her former lab is in the final stages of demolition; the inept chief isn't the one who requested her after all; her old assistant chief has developed personal problems that he won't reveal; and a glamorous FBI agent, whom Marino dislikes instantly, meddles with the case.

Deprived of assistance from colleagues Benton and Lucy, who are embroiled in what first appears to be an unrelated attempted rape by a stalker, Scarpetta is faced with investigating the death of a fourteen-year-old girl, working with the smallest pieces of evidence-traces that only the most thorough hunters can identify. She must follow the twisting leads and track the strange details in order to make the dead speak-and to reveal the sad truth that may be more than even she can bear.

segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2011

26. No Seu Mundo, Jodi Picoult

624 páginas

Jacob Hunter é um adolescente: brilhante a Matemática, sentido de humor aguçado, extraordinariamente bem organizado, incapaz de seguir as regras sociais. Jacob tem síndrome de Asperger. Está preso no seu próprio mundo – consciente do mundo exterior e querendo relacionar-se com ele. Jacob tenta ser um rapaz como os outros mas não sabe como o conseguir. Quando o seu tutor é encontrado morto, todos os sinais típicos da síndrome de Asperger – não olhar as pessoas nos olhos, movimentos descontrolados, acções inapropriadas – são identificados pela Polícia como sinais de culpa. E a mãe de Jacob tem de fazer a si própria a pergunta mais difícil do mundo: será o seu filho capaz de matar?

domingo, setembro 25, 2011

25. A Darker Domain, Val McDermid

392 Páginas

1984. The National miners' strike is dividing the country, and in a struggling coal-mining town, the miners and their families are living at the edge of their resources. They have no money, and there is no food or heating. On the 14th of December, five miners break ranks to travel to Nottingham and work. For those who stay behind, this is an unforgivable betrayal, and the men are branded as scabs. 23 years later, a young woman is asking the police to trace her missing father: miner Mick Prentice vanished, never to be seen again, although money has been sent to his family; he was widely considered to be one of the scabs. Soon, D I Karen Pirie and DS Phil Parharta find themselves investigating a forgotten disappearance.
This is the provocative premise of Val McDermid's latest novel, A Darker Domain, and this utterly compelling book is further proof that McDermid is determined to stretch the parameters of what crime fiction is supposedly capable of. McDermid has always been prepared to freight serious issues into her work, and this novel -- which, in many ways, is an examination of the conditions that produced the Britain we live in today -- demonstrates the continuing high level of her ambition.
In fact, Karen Pirie, when taking on this new assignment, is already involved in a case of kidnapping that took place 22 years earlier (in which a woman was killed during a bungled handover of money). Journalist Bel Richmond makes a startling discovery concerning the MacLennan kidnapping while on holiday in Tuscany, and as the three protagonists dig deeper into ever-more labyrinthine mysteries, they are to make some remarkable discoveries -- discoveries which throw light not just on the crimes involved, but on the whole of British society.
As all of this might suggest, the stakes here are as high as one is likely to find in a crime novel, and Val McDermid demonstrates that she is as capable as ever of integrating the demands of the page-turning crime narrative with a discussion of the things that make society tick.

sexta-feira, setembro 16, 2011

24. Caught, Harlan Coben

380 Páginas

Wendy is a reporter on a mission: She's chasing down the lowest of the low-sexual predators-and exposing them on national television. Her big break comes when she nails a child advocate who works with abused and underserved children. She's there, cameras rolling, when the cops cuff him and the guy realizes his life is well and truly over. Three months later, the perp is off the grid, missing and presumed dead after the father of a victim claims to have killed him. Wendy, proud to have taken the man down in front of a shocked television audience, has moved on to the story of a missing girl, Erin, in a nearby suburb. The whole country is obsessed with finding this child, and Wendy should be well on her way to journalistic superstardom. Then is all comes unhinged: Wendy gets a phone call that changes everything. A group of local fathers, out of work and not above vigilante justice, begins to take matters into their own hands on Erin's behalf. Secrets long-buried rise to the surface and Wendy begins to wonder if her assumptions that fateful night three months ago were based on solid investigative journalism-or if she has unwittingly been part of a grand manipulation aiming to destroy an innocent man.

sábado, setembro 10, 2011

23. Indelible, Karin Slaughter

416 páginas

Karin Slaughter’s reputation grows apace, and Indelible sports all the customary fingerprints. Over the space of a handful of novels, the author has built a reputation as one of the key crime novelists at work today. What's her secret? In some ways, Slaughter’s work is a refining of the Southern Gothic idiom that has been the bedrock of so much atmospheric work in the past, but Slaughter’s way with the form is entirely her own, and despite the lashings of atmosphere, she never forgets that a crime novelist has to be rigorous in the arena of plotting--and that’s her strongest suit.
Medical examiner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver take a trip from the pressures of Heartsdale (in the hope of straightening out their relationship), but a detour to Jeffrey’s hometown lands them in the most difficult case of their career.
Readers are probably growing weary of the inevitable comparison novels like Slaughter’s draw with those of Thomas Harris--and rightly so. But the trouble is, such comparisons are right on the nail for Slaughter. She may not quite have the older writer's authority, but she is undoubtedly skilled at creating a delicious, unsettling tension in the reader--as is very much the case in Indelible. And she’s careful, too, to ensure that the relationship between Sara Linton and Jeffrey Tolliver isn’t sidelined by the accelerating tension--that relationship is moved on considerably here. The fulsome praise on the jacket from such fellow scribes as John Connolly and Michael Connelly is more than professional courtesy here--they’re fully justified by the work on offer.

quinta-feira, setembro 08, 2011

22. Out of My Depth, Emily Barr

416 páginas

When Susie decides to invite her old school friends for a reunion she tells herself that it's just about showing off. It's about letting Amanda, Izzy and Tamsin, see how well she's done, with her successful career as an artist, her gorgeous house in France, her deliciously louche boyfriend. But the truth is that this is a dark plan. A plan that could make or break her seemingly perfect life!and she knows it. As the old friends gather at Susie's for a long weekend of catching up and comparisons, it is clear that despite their lives having taken very different turns, they are all still haunted by a dark and common past. They each know that up until now they have been treading water -- waiting for the inevitable moment when they have to face the truth. The question is, now that the time has come, who will sink and who will swim?

segunda-feira, setembro 05, 2011

21. O Hipnotista, Lars Kepler

560 páginas

Erik Maria Bark é o mais famoso hipnotista da Suécia. Acusado de falta de ética, e com o casamento à beira do colapso, jurou publicamente nunca mais praticar a hipnose nos seus pacientes e há dez anos que se mantém fiel à sua promessa. Até agora. Estocolmo. Uma família é brutalmente assassinada e a única testemunha está internada no hospital em estado de choque; Josef Ek, de apenas 15 anos, presenciou o massacre dos seus pais e irmã mais nova, sendo ele próprio encontrado numa poça de sangue, vivo por milagre. Nessa mesma noite, Erik Maria Bark recebe um telefonema do comissário Joona Linna solicitando os seus serviços ¿ urge descobrir a identidade do assassino e para tal Josef deverá ser hipnotizado. Erik aceita a missão com relutância, longe de imaginar que o que vai encontrar pela frente é um pesadelo capaz de ultrapassar os seus piores receios. Dias mais tarde, o seu filho de 15 anos, Benjamin, é sequestrado da própria casa. Haverá uma ligação entre estes dois casos? Para salvar a vida de Benjamin, o hipnotista deverá enfrentar os fantasmas do seu passado e mergulhar nas mentes mais sombrias e perversas que jamais poderia imaginar; o que tinha por difuso revela-se abominável, o que tinha por suspeito surge como demoníaco. Para Erik, a contagem regressiva já começou...

quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2011

20. Blood from Stone, Frances Fyfield

336 páginas

Marianne Shearer is at the height of her career, a dauntingly successful barrister, respected by her peers and revered by her clients. So why has she killed herself? Her latest case had again resulted in an acquittal, although the outcome was principally due to the death of the prime witness after Marianne's forceful cross-examination. Had this wholly professional and unemotional lawyer been struck by guilt or uncertainty, or is there some secret to be discovered in her blandly comfortable private life? Her tenacious colleague Peter Friel is determined to find out of that last trial held the reason for her taking her own life. The transcript holds intriguing clues, but it is another witness at the trial who holds the key to the truth.

segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2011

19. Uma Questão de Atracção, David Nicholls

400 páginas

Brian Jackson, estudante universitário, chegou à faculdade com um desejo mais forte do que o da aquisição de conhecimentos: ser uma estrela do concurso mais famoso da TV. Mas o seu avanço no Desafio Universitário é de certo modo travado pela sua atração crescente pela sedutora Alice Harbinson, que luta para deixar a sua marca como atriz. E, à medida que os obstáculos impedem a sua relação, Brian fica cada vez mais convencido de que só um sucesso esmagador no concurso o fará conquistá-la.

sexta-feira, agosto 19, 2011

18. Swimsuit, James Patterson

479 páginas

Kim, a breathtakingly beautiful supermodel on a photo shoot in Hawaii, disappears. Fearing the worst, her parents travel to Hawaii to investigate for themselves, never expecting the horror that awaits them. LA Times reporter Ben Hawkins is conducting his own research into the case, hoping to help the victim and get an idea for his next bestseller. With no leads and no closer to uncovering the kidnapper's identity than when he stepped off the plane, Ben gets a shocking visit that pushes him into an impossible-to-resist deal with the devil.

A heart-pounding story of fear and desire, Swimsuit transports readers to a chilling new territory where the collision of beauty and murder transforms paradise into a hell of unspeakable horror.

sexta-feira, agosto 12, 2011

17. Sei Onde Estás, Karen Rose

439 páginas

Kristen Mayhew é uma prestigiada advogada de acusação. Vive com paixão cada um dos seus casos, mas guarda, há muito, um segredo que a mantém solitária. Kristen tem, sem o saber, um admirador silencioso. Observa-a, sabe de todos os seus passos, das suas rotinas e decide assassinar os criminosos que ela leva a tribunal mas que conseguem escapar. Deixa os corpos na bagageira do seu carro e um pequeno bilhete... Protegida por Abe Reagen, o detective que tenta descobrir este bizarro assassino, Kristen redescobre o amor. Ao saber da relação entre Kristen e Abe, o secreto apaixonado reage como se tivesse sido traído e engendra uma vingança. Suspense e emoções fortes em mais um thriller de Karen Rose.Atenta aos detalhes, ao passado que marca cada uma das personagens, a escritora norte-americana conta uma perigosa história de amor e obsessão. Ao mesmo tempo que tudo parece precipitar-se numa onda de crimes e vingança, entre os protagonistas surge uma envolvente ligação. Marcados pela perda, reencontram a paixão e hesitam, devem ceder ao que sentem? Devem proteger-se? Devem viver essa segunda oportunidade de amar?

sábado, julho 30, 2011

16. The Darkest Evening of the Year, Dean Koontz

400 páginas

Amy Redwing recklessly risks everything in her chosen field of dog rescue. When she confronts a violent drunk in order to rescue Nickie, a beautiful golden retriever, Amy has no misgivings. Dogs always do their best, and so will she. Whatever it takes. Riding shotgun nervously is her friend and lover, Brian, an architect who would marry her if only she were not so committed to these crazy ! heroics! He blames her work for her refusal to marry him. But everything is due to change in the Redwing household. Someone is trying to destroy Amy. Subtle intrusions escalate into terrifying assaults on everything she holds dear. Amy believes her attacker is Wes Greeley, just released after an eighteen-month stretch, thanks to Amy's testimony, for egregious animal cruelty. But if Greeley is the culprit, it's clear he's not working alone. At last Amy understands her need of Brian, and a lot more from her troubled past that has been hidden by her passion. Unable to turn to any authority, Amy and Brian are pressed to the edge of a precipice as Koontz's most emotionally devastating thriller races with inexorable speed to a wrenching climax.

segunda-feira, julho 18, 2011

15. Livro, José Luis Peixoto

263 páginas

Este livro elege como cenário a extraordinária saga da emigração portuguesa para França, contada através de uma galeria de personagens inesquecíveis e da escrita luminosa de José Luís Peixoto. Entre uma vila do interior de Portugal e Paris, entre a cultura popular e as mais altas referências da literatura universal, revelam-se os sinais de um passado que levou milhares de portugueses à procura de melhores condições e de um futuro com dupla nacionalidade. Avassalador e marcante, Livro expõe a poderosa magnitude do sonho e a crueza, irónica, terna ou grotesca, da realidade. Através de histórias de vida, encontros e despedidas, os leitores de Livro são conduzidos a um final desconcertante onde se ultrapassam fronteiras da literatura.

terça-feira, julho 05, 2011

14. Exposed, Alex Kava

373 páginas

Agent Maggie O'Dell and Assistant Director Cunningham believe they're responding to a threat made at Quantico. Instead they walk into a trap. Before they realize it, they've both been exposed to a killer who can strike at anyone, at any time, and no one can predict who might be next…until it's too late.
The killer's tactics suggest he's an aficionado of criminal minds. He uses bits and pieces from those he admires: a phrase from the Beltway Snipers, a clue from the Unabomber, a delivery method similar to the Anthrax Killer. His weapon is a deadly virus, virtually invisible and totally unexpected. His victims appear to be random but, in fact, they are chosen with a revengeful precision. The vaccine is limited and untested.
Maggie knows dangerous minds—from hauntingly perverse child predators to cunningly twisted serial killers. Now she faces a new opponent from inside an isolation ward at a biosafety containment hospital. Maggie must help Agent R. J. Tully find clues to catch the killer—while waiting to see if the deadly strain is already multiplying in her body. With every new exposure there's the potential for an epidemic. And Maggie knows she and Cunningham may not live long enough to discover who is the deadliest, most intelligent killer they've ever profiled.

quinta-feira, junho 23, 2011

13. O Caçador de Raposas, Minette Walters

365 páginas

Numa gélida manhã de Inverno, Ailsa Lockyer-Fox é encontrada sem vida no jardim da sua mansão em Shenstead. As circunstâncias misteriosas que envolvem a sua morte não indiciam claramente o assassínio, e o veredicto policial atribui o seu falecimento a causas naturais. Mas muitas são as vozes acusadoras que se levantam contra James, o marido e principal suspeito dos habitantes daquela pequena localidade de Dorset. Em breve, é orquestrada uma campanha tenebrosa, sem tréguas, que visa destruir a vida de James. Com que intuito? Quem poderá estar por detrás das terríveis acusações que lhe são feitas?

sexta-feira, junho 10, 2011

12. Os Bosques de Whitethorn, Maeve Binchy

327 páginas

Irlanda, cidade de Rossmore, século XXI.O bosque de Whitethorn, nas proximidades da cidade sempre fez parte do equilíbrio das pessoas que ali viveram. Os anos passaram, anos de pobreza sucederam-se aos de fartura, os velhos passaram aos novos o testemunho, e sempre o bosque foi tomado como um local de encontro espiritual. A fonte de água que ali nasce foi baptizada pelos cristãos de poço de Santa Ana, mas antes mesmo dos cristãos ali chegarem já aquele lugar era tomado como sagrado. Ao saberem que o bosque pode ser destruído pela construção de uma estrada, a comunidade divide-se entre os que defendem o progresso e os que preferem manter-se fiéis à tradição.

quinta-feira, maio 26, 2011

11. Men at Work, Mike Gayle

96 páginas

School sweethearts, Ian and Emma have been together 7 years, Ian loves his job, so much he won’t accept promotion, and is a bit of a joker, he likes a laugh and to be “one of the lads”. One night after coming home from the Pub Emma announces she has lost her job, she is really upset. Emma manages to get another job, but it is temping in Ian’s office, for a month, Ian is not impressed he is a different person at work and Emma is at the next desk to him, after her month she is offered a job permanently which she accepts, what can Ian do as he loves his job and Emma? And wouldn’t dream of losing any of them.

domingo, maio 22, 2011

10. 10th Anniversary, James Patterson

384 páginas

Detective Lindsay Boxer's long-awaited wedding celebration becomes a distant memory when she is called to investigate a horrendous crime: a badly injured teenage girl is left for dead, and her newborn baby is nowhere to be found. Lindsay discovers that not only is there no trace of the criminals--but that the victim may be keeping secrets as well.

segunda-feira, maio 16, 2011

9. Belas Mentiras, Lisa Unger

294 páginas

Uma boa acção projecta Ridley Jones, jovem jornalista nova-iorquina, na primeira página dos jornais. Pouco tempo depois, Ridley recebe em casa a fotografia de uma criança com a legenda «És a minha filha?». Na suspeita de que o mundo em que vive e a sua identidade são uma ilusão, Ridley questiona tudo o que sabe acerca de si própria e descobre que todos os que a rodeiam lhe escondem algo.... Se Ridley tivesse dormido mais dez minutos nessa manhã ou se, em vez de esperar por um taxi, tivesse apanhado o metro, talvez continuasse a ter uma vida idílica. No entanto, estar no lugar errado à hora certa desencadeia uma série de eventos reveladores: a sua família não é o que ela pensa, o seu nome talvez seja falso, a infância que julga ter tido pode não ser a sua. Belas Mentiras decorre no cenário, por vezes assustador, de uma Nova-Iorque que Lisa Unger conhece intimamente: a Ponte de Brooklyn, a esquina da Primeira Avenida com a Rua Onze, a pastelaria Veniero’s e a pizzaria Five Roses, uma loja de roupa gótica chamada Trash and Vaudeville e o metro são lugares que marcaram o dia-a-dia da autora e que contagiam agora o seu trabalho. Unger consegue evocar o som, os odores, o ritmo, o lado sedutor e o lado esmagador da grande cidade, como se esta fosse mais uma personagem do romance.

sábado, abril 30, 2011

8. The To Do List, Mike Gayle

352 páginas

Would a proper adult ignore the spilt milk under the fridge for weeks? Would a proper adult take three years to post a solitary Christmas card? Would a proper adult have decades-old underwear in active service? Mike Gayle is nowhere near being a proper adult -- even though his tenth wedding anniversary is looming; his second child is due any moment; and in less than twenty-four hours he is going to be officially closer to forty than he is to thirty. Appalled by this lack of maturity, Mike draws up a To-Do list containing every single item he's been meaning to do but just keeps putting off. He's got a lot of stuff that needs doing. But unlike previous To-Do lists, he promises himself that this one will actually get DONE. And along the way, Mike will learn stuff about life (323), love (999), friends (1004) and family (9) and finally work out what it means to be a grown up (846).

domingo, abril 17, 2011

7. Lembranças Macabras, Tess Gerritsen

317 Páginas

Nas caves de um museu de Boston, um meticuloso assassino deixa pequenas mensagens dentro do corpo das suas vítimas. As múmias, quase esquecidas, são afinal vítimas de alguém fascinado pela cultura e pelos antigos rituais de morte egípcios. Maura Isles, médica forense, e Jane Rizzoli, detective, cedo percebem que a chave do mistério reside na arqueóloga do museu, a quem o criminoso parece querer ofertar as mortes.

sábado, abril 09, 2011

6. Past Mortem, Ben Elton

460 páginas

With old friends like these, who needs enemies? It's a question short, mild mannered detective Edward Newson is forced to ask himself having in romantic desperation logged on to the Friends Reunited website searching for the girlfriends of his youth. Newson is not the only member of the Class of '86 who has been raking over the ashes of the past. As his old class begins to reassemble in cyberspace, the years slip away and old feuds and passions burn hot once more. Meanwhile, back in the present, Newson's life is no less complicated. He is secretly in love with Natasha, his lovely but very attached sergeant, while comprehensively failing to solve a series of baffling and peculiarly gruesome murders. A school reunion is planned and as history begins to repeat itself, the past crashes headlong into the present. Neither will ever be the same again. In Past Mortem, Ben Elton - previous winner of The Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger Award for Popcorn - delivers both a heart-stopping thriller and a killer comic romance.

segunda-feira, março 21, 2011

5. Plan B, Emily Barr

438 páginas

Emma adores living in Brighton, but she loves Matt more. When he suggests they buy the perfect farmhouse in the south of France, she reluctantly agrees, even though he continues commuting to London while she looks after their daughter and the builders. But France is not the idyll he promised, and when she discovers the true reason he spends half his time in London the foundations on which she’s built her life start to crumble...

terça-feira, março 08, 2011

4. I, Alex Cross, James Patterson

456 páginas

James Patterson is unquestionably one of the world's most successful crime writers, with a following (and sales) that are the envy of many of his peers. His secret, of course, is his immense readability: Paterson has a narrative grasp that ensures total reader commitment from first page to last. So as his new book, I, Alex Cross, appears, it is tempting to speculate on what his response will be to the words being uttered by many of his admirers; ‘It's a Patterson-only outing again -- thank God!’ As the author’s solo books are almost always more authoritatively written than the legion of novels he produces with an army of collaborators, one wonders why he feels the need to sustain this highly profitable writing factory (some might argue that this question is answered by the word ‘profitable’, but Patterson comfortably outsells most of his rivals, and acquiring even more revenue can't be such a pressing need, can it?) But to the business at hand: here's a new Alex Cross novel, and that's always a cause for celebration.In I, Alex Cross, Patterson's eponymous hero is dragged from a family celebration and given some very unwelcome news: Caroline, his niece, has been savagely killed. Cross makes an instant promise: he will use all his resources to track down the murderer. But disturbing facts begin to emerge: Caroline was involved with a particularly strange endeavour in Washington, an organisation that promises to fulfil every fantasy of its participants, however outlandish. As Alex learns, the people involved in this sinister dream factory are both powerful and influential, and only those with the most copper-bottomed credentials are allowed to join the party. With the aid of his girlfriend, Detective Brianna Stone, Alex Cross gets closer and closer to these mysterious figures, and the reason behind Caroline's brutal murder. But (as so often before), he realises that he is up against people who will stop at nothing to maintain the clandestine nature of their activities. What's more, Alex discovers there is far more at stake than just a modern day version of the hellfire club -- there are revelations in store which could shake the foundations of society.As the above suggests, James Patterson's return to solo writing has obliged him to raise his game in terms of the reach of this latest Alex Cross outing. If the book doesn't seem, perhaps, to be in the class of some of the vintage Alex Cross outings, that may (to some extent) be due to our familiarity with the character – it’s more difficult to ring the changes. What isn't in dispute, though, is the author’s total professionalism, and his ability to comprehensively grip the reader remains undimmed.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 21, 2011

3. Bloody Valentine, James Patterson

120 páginas

This year Valentine's Day isn't for romance. It's for murder. Mega rich restaurant owner Jack Barnes and his second wife Zee are very much in love. However, their plans for Valentine's Day are about to be torn apart by the most violent murder. Who is the strange figure plotting this sick crime? Who hates Jack that much? There are plenty of suspects living in Jack's fancy block of flats. Is it them, or could it be the work of an outsider with a twisted mind? One thing's for sure, the police have got their work cut out solving this bloody mess.

domingo, fevereiro 13, 2011

2. O Clube Mefisto, Tess Gerritsen

390 páginas

O mal pode espalhar-se como uma doença? A prática Jane Rizzoli, detective na Brigada de Homicídios de Bóston, não acredita, nem por um minuto, em forças sobrenaturais. Quando analisa o local do crime busca a mente do criminoso, vasculha entre vestígios para encontrar provas, para chegar ao assassino. Para este caso talvez tenha contudo de por alguns dos seus preconceitos de lado... Com a valiosa ajuda de média legista, Maura Isles, investiga a sucessão de crimes em que as vítimas são desmembradas e em que uma apocalíptica mensagem é inscrita nos corpos. O estranho Clube Mefisto, que investiga a origem genética do mal, oferece-se para ajudar a polícia, mas mesmo eles, habituados a lidar com a morte, se sentem atemorizados com os sinais deixados pelo serial-killer.

sábado, janeiro 29, 2011

1. Mini Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella

396 páginas

Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) thought motherhood would be a breeze and that having a daughter was a dream come true – a shopping friend for life! But it’s trickier than she thought – two-year-old Minnie has a quite different approach to shopping.She can create havoc everywhere from Harrods to Harvey Nicks to her own christening. She hires taxis at random, her favourite word is ‘Mine‘, and she’s even started bidding for designer bags on ebay.On top of everything else, there’s a big financial crisis. People are having to Cut Back – including all of Becky’s personal shopping clients – and she and Luke are still living with Becky’s Mum and Dad. To cheer everyone up, Becky decides to throw a surprise birthday party – on a budget – but then things become really complicated.Who will end up on the naughty step, who will get a gold star and will Becky’s secret wishes come true?

quarta-feira, janeiro 05, 2011


Depois do pior ano de que há memória em termos de leituras - muito pouco, e pouco de relevante, 2011 não pode ser pior, pois não?
Let's hope...